redcoder07 0 Newbie Poster

How do I limt the records extracted from filemaker using the query "Select.... LIMIT 5" ? Example: select * from tablename limit 10.

I connect the filemaker pro 8.5 via ODBC and use php to display the records.A small amount of records(1 or 2 rows) will display the records, but a large amount of records (more than 10 rows) will not display on the page and give fatal error:exceed execution time. Therefore I am thinking of limit the number of record(or row) displayed to 5 instead of a whole long list.

I tried use the LIMIT in the query but it give error:

Warning: odbc_exec(): SQL error: [DataDirect][ODBC SequeLink driver][ODBC Socket][DataDirect][ODBC FileMaker driver][FileMaker]Parse Error in SQL, SQL state S1000 in SQLExecDirect in c:\program files\easyphp1-8\www\filemaker\mgrpartsrecord.php on line 16

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