jeffphotos 0 Newbie Poster

Hi Dani (is this your name???:rolleyes:)-thank you for your response. I thought I would post my message to this forum. Hope you receive it.

Yes, this is EXACTLY what I am looking for! I am interested in placing one of my photographic images on each side and turning the images into this kind of rotating puzzle.

Are you able to create a cube that has (two sets) of three sections (lying at right angles to each other) for each side? So, that would mean there are 9 smaller squares comprising each side. That would be great! My idea is to be able to place one of my photographic images on each side which would be divided into the 9 smaller squares. People then would be able to play with this kind of cube.

If not, it is certainly fine. I can go with what you have created.

Please let me know what cost might be involved in providing me with the code so that I might create puzzle cubes of this kind on my own and sell them via my websites.

Please let me let you know that I am in the throes of attempting to create a career that pays me for the work I do. I do not have a "regular" job. This is my job! I can only be honest and seek to grow.
I am open to any arrangements that might be possible.

I would like to congratulate you on creating the website:
It seems to me that you godda be a jeenyus to do create something like this. My father told me "genius" is 90% perspiration and 10% inspiration. I can relate to that!

Thank you again for getting back to me, and for doing the work you have done.

Hope it isn't too cold for you there,
Jeff in California on the ocean (Big Sur):lol: