I have made a program that you can add your contacts but i need to get a way to edit the persons details....
The details are kept in a txt file(because i don't know how to make this using a db)
I have a list box showing the name and surname of the contact and when you select anyone their details are shown in textboxes ready to be changed but I need the code for replacing or deleting a specific line from txt...

I have searched for this but not found any help... if another thread already exists for this topic sorry, and please post link... thank you...

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To solve this you need to go back to the early days of programming where data was held in flat files or text files.

For example if your text file has 21 records in, one for each contact, and you are editing/deleting record 12. When you have finished editing or wish to delete record 12 then these are steps.

1) open data file in read mode
2) open new temp file in write mode
3) copy 11 record form data file to temp file.
4) if editing write the edited record, if deleting go to step 5)
5) read record 12 and do nothing with it
6) copy records 13 to 21 form data file to temp file.
7) close files
8) make a backup copy of data file.
9) copy temp file back over data file.

Problem sorted.

Any questions please come back. Also please let us know how you get on.


thank you for the quick response... I have understood well the step but because it is the first time i am doing this i need some help with copying entries to remain same... edit the entry and the copy the remaining entries and the replace the original txt....

Can you please explain the steps you gave me in vb coding...
Thank you for the help...
as soon as i finish it i will let you know the results...

Here is some code to copy 12 lines across, hopefully will give the idea.


Dim linne As String
Dim j As Integer

Open "C:\TEST\Infile.txt" For Input As #1
Open "C:\TEST\outfile.txt" For Output As #2

For j = 1 To 12

Line Input #1, linne
Print #2, linne

Next j

Close #1
Close #2

I have made a program that you can add your contacts but i need to get a way to edit the persons details....
The details are kept in a txt file(because i don't know how to make this using a db)
I have a list box showing the name and surname of the contact and when you select anyone their details are shown in textboxes ready to be changed but I need the code for replacing or deleting a specific line from txt...

I have searched for this but not found any help... if another thread already exists for this topic sorry, and please post link... thank you...

Hi Dell XPS.
Check out this sample code. just take two textboxes(text1,text2), three buttons(command1-3) and a listbox(list1) for testing :-

Option Explicit

Dim i As Integer

Private Sub Command1_Click()        ''for adding new record into the textfile
If Text1.Text <> "" And Text2.Text <> "" Then
    List1.AddItem Text1.Text & " " & Text2.Text
    Call UpdateRecords
    Call LoadRecords
    MsgBox "Input details."
End If
End Sub

Public Sub LoadRecords()    ''reads the file and fetches all existing records
Dim str As String

If Dir(App.Path & "\info.txt") <> "" Then
    Open App.Path & "\info.txt" For Input As #1
        Do While Not EOF(1)
            Input #1, str
            List1.AddItem str
    Close #1
    MsgBox "Record file is missing."
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()        ''for editing the selected record's info
If Text1.Text <> "" And Text2.Text <> "" Then
    List1.RemoveItem i
    List1.AddItem Text1.Text & " " & Text2.Text, i
    Call UpdateRecords
    MsgBox "Input details."
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()        ''for deleting the selected record from the file
Dim confirm As Integer

If List1.ListIndex <> -1 Then
    confirm = MsgBox("Delete this record?", vbYesNo)
    If confirm = vbNo Then
        Exit Sub
    End If
    List1.RemoveItem List1.ListIndex
    Text1.Text = ""
    Text2.Text = ""
    Call UpdateRecords
    MsgBox "Select the record from the list you wish to delete."
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
Call LoadRecords
End Sub

Private Sub List1_Click()       ''for displaying information of the selected record
Text1.Text = Mid(List1.Text, 1, InStr(1, List1.Text, " ") - 1)
Text2.Text = Mid(List1.Text, InStr(1, List1.Text, " ") + 1)
i = List1.ListIndex
End Sub

Public Sub UpdateRecords()      ''for updating the text file after edit and delete operations
Dim j As Integer

Open App.Path & "\info.txt" For Output As #1
    For j = 0 To List1.ListCount - 1 Step 1
        Print #1, List1.List(j)
    Next j
Close #1
End Sub

hope you will get your answer completely from this coding.
know me if this helps you.

good luck


Hi Dell XPS.
Check out this sample code. just take two textboxes(text1,text2), three buttons(command1-3) and a listbox(list1) for testing :-

Option Explicit

Dim i As Integer

Private Sub Command1_Click()        ''for adding new record into the textfile
If Text1.Text <> "" And Text2.Text <> "" Then
    List1.AddItem Text1.Text & " " & Text2.Text
    Call UpdateRecords
    Call LoadRecords
    MsgBox "Input details."
End If
End Sub

Public Sub LoadRecords()    ''reads the file and fetches all existing records
Dim str As String

If Dir(App.Path & "\info.txt") <> "" Then
    Open App.Path & "\info.txt" For Input As #1
        Do While Not EOF(1)
            Input #1, str
            List1.AddItem str
    Close #1
    MsgBox "Record file is missing."
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()        ''for editing the selected record's info
If Text1.Text <> "" And Text2.Text <> "" Then
    List1.RemoveItem i
    List1.AddItem Text1.Text & " " & Text2.Text, i
    Call UpdateRecords
    MsgBox "Input details."
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()        ''for deleting the selected record from the file
Dim confirm As Integer

If List1.ListIndex <> -1 Then
    confirm = MsgBox("Delete this record?", vbYesNo)
    If confirm = vbNo Then
        Exit Sub
    End If
    List1.RemoveItem List1.ListIndex
    Text1.Text = ""
    Text2.Text = ""
    Call UpdateRecords
    MsgBox "Select the record from the list you wish to delete."
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
Call LoadRecords
End Sub

Private Sub List1_Click()       ''for displaying information of the selected record
Text1.Text = Mid(List1.Text, 1, InStr(1, List1.Text, " ") - 1)
Text2.Text = Mid(List1.Text, InStr(1, List1.Text, " ") + 1)
i = List1.ListIndex
End Sub

Public Sub UpdateRecords()      ''for updating the text file after edit and delete operations
Dim j As Integer

Open App.Path & "\info.txt" For Output As #1
    For j = 0 To List1.ListCount - 1 Step 1
        Print #1, List1.List(j)
    Next j
Close #1
End Sub

hope you will get your answer completely from this coding.
know me if this helps you.

good luck


Thank you so much very good help with the examples
but i have a question
i have 3 textboxes so how can i fix this code to show 3 boxes of information

Private Sub List1_Click() ''for displaying information of the selected record
Text1.Text = Mid(List1.Text, 1, InStr(1, List1.Text, " ") - 1)
Text2.Text = Mid(List1.Text, InStr(1, List1.Text, " ") + 1)
i = List1.ListIndex
End Sub

thank you

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