hello there,

anyone can help...
is this possible?
i have a string value of form names in my DB so when my condition passes, the variable string will take over the value , then that value will call the form(variable) as string.
i got an error when i use this code.

dim objForm as form
dim sValue as string


set objForm=sValue

This is what the code looks like... i need to convert the variable string to form object

thanks a lot.

This sample may help :

This sample may help :

Mbt925, thank you so much for the help...
You have a good solution... i already do that kind of code, only applies to loaded/Active forms but in my case i will not load any form on it, just call them even unload/inactive...
just convert the string variable into object form name that i really needed.

thank you so much for the help...
maybe you have some ideas about this, i just want to call/show the forms in a generic way, i made a program to be a user defined function call.

is this idea possible? any help pls.

Your welcome my friend.

you can't convert string to object directly .

yah! i know its hard to do, but i am just asking if it is possible...
i already got the answer to my question. their is another way how to show the form via variable and my problem solved already...
thanks a lot for the support... hope we could share again later some ideas in developing software.

well, if you dont mind can i have your asl pls?
thanks! God bless.

i already got the answer to my question. their is another way how to show the form via variable and my problem solved already...

if possible , put your answer for this problem here ?

dim objForm as form
dim sValue as string


set objForm=sValue

This is what the code looks like... i need to convert the variable string to form object

thanks a lot.

If you already have the forms made, that really shouldn't be a problem. Use a Select CASE statement.

Dim strFormName as String

Select strFormName

Case "formXXX"
Case "FormX1"
Case "FormX2"
End Select

if possible , put your answer for this problem here ?

yah! ok...
well, in my solution you can solved in two ways, provided the form exist in your project
if not error will take over:


#1 'You can use the add command
set frmName=forms.add("sValue")

#2 'Using the CallByName function in VB6
set frmName=CallByName(Forms,"Add",vbMethod,sValue)

you can use either of this two solution i have.
This idea comes in my mind its because i managed more than a hundred forms in one project and i dont want a conditions or a hard coded, it makes your code messy.

anyone can use this code...

If you already have the forms made, that really shouldn't be a problem. Use a Select CASE statement.

Dim strFormName as String

Select strFormName

Case "formXXX"
Case "FormX1"
Case "FormX2"
End Select

hi hkdani,
Thank you so much for the solution I really appreciated.
Well, that was my old approach or old way of showing form,
i put it in the module all of them.
i think that could be applied to less than a hundred forms, what if you have more than a hundred you will declare all.

what i am trying here is to call the specific form from the table without any conditions and hard coded way, all are variables.

as of now i have more than 150 forms in a project.

thank you, hope we could share ideas later.
God Bless my friend.

yah! ok...
well, in my solution you can solved in two ways, provided the form exist in your project
if not error will take over:


#1 'You can use the add command
set frmName=forms.add("sValue")

#2 'Using the CallByName function in VB6
set frmName=CallByName(Forms,"Add",vbMethod,sValue)

you can use either of this two solution i have.
This idea comes in my mind its because i managed more than a hundred forms in one project and i dont want a conditions or a hard coded, it makes your code messy.

anyone can use this code...

hi Neophyte08,

it works, but when i'm using MDIForm and MDIChild set to TRUE, the form that i called using this method, the form loaded twice / there are 2 form (same form).

is there any solution for this ?


hi Neophyte08,

it works, but when i'm using MDIForm and MDIChild set to TRUE, the form that i called using this method, the form loaded twice / there are 2 form (same form).

is there any solution for this ?


Use Public Sub in child form, for example:

'Call Child Form from Parent Form
Private Sub cmdCallChild_Click()
childform.loadme Me
childform.show vbModal
End Sub
'Variable Declaration on Child Form
Dim SForm As Form

Public Sub loadme(pForm As Form)
Set SForm = pForm
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
txtSample.text = SForm.AnyControlOnParentForm.text
cmdButton1.text = SForm.AnyControlButtonOnParentForm.Caption
End Sub

Private Sub cmdAboutParentForm_Click()
Msgbox SForm.caption
End Sub

Private Sub cmdClose_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub

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