Helo everybody

How to convert database type from datetime to varchar? and decimal to varchar?
Can I use this code?

CAST(now() as varchar(20))

I use MySQL version 5.0.21

Other question:
If I execute procedure

CREATE PROCEDURE `formatdate`(dtDate datetime)
SELECT date_format(now(),'%d-%m-%Y') AS idate;
END $$

in Visual Basic 6 using ADODB and get "idate" field
the application will retur error "Multiple step operation generated errors. Check each status value"

Why this happend?
There is any solution if i want to get datetime value has formated as string value to VB6 application?

Thanks for help Question


In Procedure, you Have not defined the OUT parameter..

Try this procedure:

CREATE PROCEDURE FormatDate(OUT IDate Char(20))
SELECT date_format(now(),'%d-%m-%Y') INTO IDate ;


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