I have the transparent frame control (http://www.codeguru.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=3108) and have added it as a reference in my application, however I am trying to replace all existing frames (That are bound with objects and are in code to be visable only at certain times) with these transparent frames without messing up the item bindings and hopefully without too much code modification. Does anyone know the best and easiest way I can achieve this?

Before You can replace the frames, you have to analyze something like common properties and methods u are using. I think the best way to replace the control is
"Open .frm file in Notepad or other editor" because Visual Basic Keeps the information in text.
"Replace the Text by using Replace utility in the Editor"

For Example
> Draw a Frame Control in the Form (Form1)
> Draw a Transparent Frame Control (ur ocx) in the Same Form (Form1)
> Change the Properties of Both Frames
> Save the Form (Form1)
> Now Open the Form1.frm file in a Text Editor
> Compare the Properties of both frames
> and Try how convert it

Before doing conversion
> Test a sample conversion
> Be sure to Back up your original project

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