Please help me!
My program does not work
1-I have problem wihte constructors parameters
2-I have problem whit toString methode.

User writes(from keyboard): workers name, hourPayment,
and time(how many hours he has worked, first week, second week....).

The out put is like this:

his(name) salary is.....$ for first  week
his(name) salary is.....$ for second week
his overtime is.....hours.
his(name) salary is.....$ for third  week
// we should write  while(time!=0)
If the user writes Zero(0);
the program computes totalOverTime and total salary
and prints out also workers name and hourPayment.
pree any key to continue....


class mySalary{
public static void main(String[]args){
System.out.print("write name:");

Salary ans= new Salary();
String name=Input.readString();

System.out.print("write hourPayment");
double hourPayment=Input.readInt();

System.out.print("Write"+name+" "+"houre for first week");
int f=Input.readInt();

double count1=ans.compute(f);
System.out.println(name+"salary for first week is:"+" "+count1);

System.out.print("Write"+name+" "+"houre for secound week");
int f2=Input.readInt();
double count2=ans.compute(f2);

System.out.println(name+"salary for second week is:"+" "+count2);}}
class Salary{
private String name;
private double hourPayment;
private int .....;
private double totaltOvertim;
private double ....;

public Salary(String name, double hourPayment, int ...,int totaltOvertim){ name;
public String getNamn(){
return name;}
public double getHourPayment(){
return hourPayment;}
public double compute(int time){
// he has worked less than 40 hours
else if(time>40){
//it is just a formula for over time.
else if(time>70){
// If he works 30 hours over time he gets warning.
double overTidsPayment=(((40*hourPayment)+(time-40)*(3/2)*hourPayment));
System.out.println("WARNING: You have worked more than 70(40+30) hour");
return salary;
public String toString(){

One thing that I can think of. If you declare a constructor with parameters (and overloaded constructor,) like you did above, you also need to declare the default constructor (with no parameters.)

public Salary() {
// Default init process

If not then your compiler will complain.

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