Ok guys... I'm sorta new to this forum.. so hello all.. but neways.. here is my problem.. This is the assignment I have:

Can someone basically explain what I should do? Am I supposed to like sort part of it using insertionsort and the other part with one of the other 2? I'm confused as to this whole threshold thing.

Here is what I have so far:

/*	Program 2
	Author: B. Josh Becker

#include <iostream>				// preprocessor
#include <ctime>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdio>

using namespace std;

void mergesort(int[], int, int);
void merge(int[], int, int);
void quicksort(int[], int, int);
void choosePivot(int[], int, int);
void partition(int[], int, int, int&);
void insertionSort(int[], int);

void main(){

	int numbers[200] = {0};
	int response, choice,threshhold;
	cout << endl << "Would you like to randomly choose a list or should I create one at random?" << endl;
	cout << "\t1) Create one (less than 100 values)" << endl;
	cout << "\t2) Random" << endl;
	cin >> choice;

	case 1:
			int number;
			cout << endl << "Please enter the number of values you would like in the array (less than 100):";
			cin >> number;
			cout << endl << "Please enter each number followed by the return key" << endl;
			if (number>100)
			for (int i=0;i<number;i++)
				cin >> numbers[i];
			cout << "Here are the numbers you just entered:" << endl;
				cout << numbers[i] << " ";
	case 2:
			int number;
			cout << endl << "Please enter the number of values you would like in the array:";
			cin >> number;
			srand( (unsigned)time( NULL ) );
			for(int i=0;i<number;i++)

			cout << "Here are the random values:" << endl;

				cout << numbers[i] << " ";
		cout << "Sorry invalid value" << endl;


	cout << endl << "Please enter a threshold value:" << endl;
	cin >> threshhold;

	cout << "This program allows the user to sort numbers with different sorting methods" << endl;
	cout << "Would you like to use :" << endl;
	cout << "\t1) Quicksort" << endl;
	cout << "\t2) Mergesort" << endl;
	cout << "\t3) Insertionsort" << endl;
	cin >> response;


// Start for Mergesort

void mergesort(int a[], int left, int right)
		int mid=(left + right)/2;
		mergesort(a, left, mid);
		mergesort(a, mid+1, right);

void merge(int a[],int left, int right)
	int 	size=right-left+1,
	int y, put;
	int *b=new int[size];
	int count=0;
	for(int x=left;x<=mid;x++,count++)
	delete[] b;

// Start for quicksort

void choosePivot(int theArray[], int first, int last){
	int  pivotIndex;
	int mid = (first + last) / 2;

    if( theArray[ first ] <= theArray[ mid ] )
    {    if( theArray[ mid ] <= theArray[ last ] )  pivotIndex = mid;
          else  pivotIndex = ( theArray[ first ] <= theArray[ last ] ? last : first );
    else if( theArray[ last ] <= theArray[ mid ] )  pivotIndex = mid;
    else  pivotIndex = ( theArray[ first ] <= theArray[ last ] ? first : last );
      swap( theArray[ first ],  theArray[ pivotIndex ] );

void partition(int theArray[], int first, int last, int& pivotIndex)
		choosePivot(theArray, first, last);
		int pivot = theArray[first];

		int lastS1 = first;
		int firstUnknown = first + 1;

		for (; firstUnknown<=last;++firstUnknown)
			if (theArray[firstUnknown]<pivot)
		swap(theArray[first], theArray[lastS1]);
		pivotIndex = lastS1;

void quicksort(int theArray[], int first, int last)
	int pivotIndex;

	if (first<last)
		partition(theArray, first, last, pivotIndex);

		quicksort(theArray, first, pivotIndex-1);
		quicksort(theArray, pivotIndex+1, last);

//Start insertion sort

void insertionSort(int theArray[], int n)
	for (int unsorted=1;unsorted<n;++unsorted)
		int nextItem = theArray[unsorted];
		int loc = unsorted;

		for (;(loc>0) && (theArray[loc-1]>nextItem);--loc)
			theArray[loc] = theArray[loc-1];

		theArray[loc] = nextItem;

OoTOAoO aka Josh Becker
You still lookin for help on this? ...

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