The code is pretty easy to understand what I am doing. You basically pick a number 1-4 and it will do either addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division. What I need it to do is after they do a problem it loops back and lets them do it again, until they enter 5 to end the program.


Here is my code

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iomanip>
#include <ctime>

using namespace std;

int main ()

	int add1, add2, sub1, sub2;
	int multiply1, multiply2, div1, div2;
	int choice, input;
	add1 = (rand()%500)+1;
	add2 = (rand()%500)+1; 
	sub1 = (rand()%500)+1;
	sub2 = (rand()%98)+1;
	multiply1 = (rand()%98)+1;
	multiply2 = (rand()%8)+1;
	div1 = (rand()%500)+1;
	div2 = (rand()%8)+1;
	int addAnswer = add1 + add2;
	int subAnswer = sub1- sub2;
	int multiplyAnswer = multiply1 * multiply2;
	int divAnswer = div1 / div2;

	//Display the menu and get the user's choice
		cout << "         Geometry Calculator \n\n";
		cout << "1. Addition\n";
		cout << "2. Subtraction\n";
		cout << "3. Multiplication\n";
		cout << "4. Division\n";
		cout << "5. Quit\n";
		cout << "\n";

		cout <<"Enter your choice (1-5): ";
		cin >> choice;
		cout << "\n";

if (choice==1)
	cout << setw (6) << add1 << endl; 
	cout << "+ ";
	cout << setw (4) << add2 << endl;
	cout << "------";
	cout << "\n";
	cin >> input; 
	cout << "\n";
	(input == addAnswer)
	cout << "Congratulations\n"; 	
	cout << "That is incorrect,\nThe correct answer is: " << addAnswer;
	cout << "\n";
return 0;

else if (choice==2)
	cout << setw (6) << sub1 << endl; 
	cout << "- ";
	cout << setw (4) << sub2 << endl;
	cout << "------";
	cout << "\n";
	cin >> input; 
	cout << "\n";
	(input == subAnswer)
	cout << "Congratulations\n"; 	
	cout << "That is incorrect,\nThe correct answer is: " << subAnswer;
	cout << "\n";
return 0;}
else if (choice==3)
	cout << setw (6) << multiply1 << endl; 
	cout << "* ";
	cout << setw (4) << multiply2 << endl;
	cout << "------";
	cout << "\n";
	cin >> input; 
	cout << "\n";
	(input == multiplyAnswer)
	cout << "Congratulations\n"; 	
	cout << "That is incorrect,\nThe correct answer is: " << multiplyAnswer;
	cout << "\n";
return 0;}
else if (choice==4)
	cout << setw (6) << div1 << endl; 
	cout << "/ ";
	cout << setw (4) << div2 << endl;
	cout << "------";
	cout << "\n";
	cin >> input; 
	cout << "\n";
	(input == divAnswer)
	cout << "Congratulations\n"; 	
	cout << "That is incorrect,\nThe correct answer is: " << divAnswer;
	cout << "\n";
return 0;}
else if (choice==5)
	{cout << "Thanks for playing\n";}

	{cout << "You can only select options 1-5, run the program again and select a option 1-5\n";}
return 0;


Recommended Answers

All 16 Replies


char rep='n';
//display the menu and get user's choice
    cout<<"repeat? [y/n] : ";
return 0; //bye..
while (choice!=5) 
    Your Programme Body

Remember to Intialize Choice With any Number without 5


char rep='n';
//display the menu and get user's choice
    cout<<"repeat? [y/n] : ";
return 0; //bye..

Thanks for the help. Would I put that before the else if part of the code? Also the char rep='n'; needs to go at the top where I clarify everything. Also what would I do if I wanted it to either be a capital or lower case y or n?


while (choice!=5)
Your Programme Body


Remember to Intialize Choice With any Number without 5

while (choice!=5)
Your Programme Body


Remember to Intialize Choice With any Number without 5


#include <iostream>
      #include <cstdlib>
      #include <iomanip>
      #include <ctime>
      using namespace std;
      int main ()
      int add1, add2, sub1, sub2;
      int multiply1, multiply2, div1, div2;
      int choice=0, input;
      add1 = (rand()%500)+1;
      add2 = (rand()%500)+1;
      sub1 = (rand()%500)+1;
      sub2 = (rand()%98)+1;
      multiply1 = (rand()%98)+1;
     multiply2 = (rand()%8)+1;
    div1 = (rand()%500)+1;
      div2 = (rand()%8)+1;
     int addAnswer = add1 + add2;
      int subAnswer = sub1- sub2;
      int multiplyAnswer = multiply1 * multiply2;
      int divAnswer = div1 / div2;
     //Display the menu and get the user's choice
	  cout << " Geometry Calculator \n\n";
      cout << "1. Addition\n";
      cout << "2. Subtraction\n";
      cout << "3. Multiplication\n";
      cout << "4. Division\n";
     cout << "5. Quit\n";
      cout << "\n";
      cout <<"Enter your choice (1-5): ";
      cin >> choice;
      cout << "\n";
      if (choice==1)
      cout << setw (6) << add1 << endl;
      cout << "+ ";
      cout << setw (4) << add2 << endl;
      cout << "------";
      cout << "\n";
      cin >> input;
      cout << "\n";
      (input == addAnswer)
      cout << "Congratulations\n";
      cout << "That is incorrect,\nThe correct answer is: " << addAnswer;
      cout << "\n";
      return 0;
      else if (choice==2)
      cout << setw (6) << sub1 << endl;
      cout << "- ";
      cout << setw (4) << sub2 << endl;
      cout << "------";
      cout << "\n";
      cin >> input;
      cout << "\n";
      (input == subAnswer)
      cout << "Congratulations\n";
      cout << "That is incorrect,\nThe correct answer is: " << subAnswer;
      cout << "\n";
      return 0;}
     else if (choice==3)
      cout << setw (6) << multiply1 << endl;
      cout << "* ";
      cout << setw (4) << multiply2 << endl;
    cout << "------";
      cout << "\n";
      cin >> input;
      cout << "\n";
      (input == multiplyAnswer)
      cout << "Congratulations\n";
      cout << "That is incorrect,\nThe correct answer is: " << multiplyAnswer;
      cout << "\n";
      return 0;}
      else if (choice==4)
      cout << setw (6) << div1 << endl;
      cout << "/ ";
      cout << setw (4) << div2 << endl;
      cout << "------";
      cout << "\n";
     cin >> input;
      cout << "\n";
      (input == divAnswer)
      cout << "Congratulations\n";
      cout << "That is incorrect,\nThe correct answer is: " << divAnswer;
      cout << "\n";
      return 0;}
   else if (choice==5)
   {cout << "Thanks for playing\n";}
     {cout << "You can only select options 1-5, run the program again and select a option 1-5\n";}
      return 0;
#include <iostream>
      #include <cstdlib>
      #include <iomanip>
      #include <ctime>
      using namespace std;
      int main ()
      int add1, add2, sub1, sub2;
      int multiply1, multiply2, div1, div2;
      int choice=0, input;
      add1 = (rand()%500)+1;
      add2 = (rand()%500)+1;
      sub1 = (rand()%500)+1;
      sub2 = (rand()%98)+1;
      multiply1 = (rand()%98)+1;
     multiply2 = (rand()%8)+1;
    div1 = (rand()%500)+1;
      div2 = (rand()%8)+1;
     int addAnswer = add1 + add2;
      int subAnswer = sub1- sub2;
      int multiplyAnswer = multiply1 * multiply2;
      int divAnswer = div1 / div2;
     //Display the menu and get the user's choice
	  cout << " Geometry Calculator \n\n";
      cout << "1. Addition\n";
      cout << "2. Subtraction\n";
      cout << "3. Multiplication\n";
      cout << "4. Division\n";
     cout << "5. Quit\n";
      cout << "\n";
      cout <<"Enter your choice (1-5): ";
      cin >> choice;
      cout << "\n";
      if (choice==1)
      cout << setw (6) << add1 << endl;
      cout << "+ ";
      cout << setw (4) << add2 << endl;
      cout << "------";
      cout << "\n";
      cin >> input;
      cout << "\n";
      (input == addAnswer)
      cout << "Congratulations\n";
      cout << "That is incorrect,\nThe correct answer is: " << addAnswer;
      cout << "\n";
      return 0;
      else if (choice==2)
      cout << setw (6) << sub1 << endl;
      cout << "- ";
      cout << setw (4) << sub2 << endl;
      cout << "------";
      cout << "\n";
      cin >> input;
      cout << "\n";
      (input == subAnswer)
      cout << "Congratulations\n";
      cout << "That is incorrect,\nThe correct answer is: " << subAnswer;
      cout << "\n";
      return 0;}
     else if (choice==3)
      cout << setw (6) << multiply1 << endl;
      cout << "* ";
      cout << setw (4) << multiply2 << endl;
    cout << "------";
      cout << "\n";
      cin >> input;
      cout << "\n";
      (input == multiplyAnswer)
      cout << "Congratulations\n";
      cout << "That is incorrect,\nThe correct answer is: " << multiplyAnswer;
      cout << "\n";
      return 0;}
      else if (choice==4)
      cout << setw (6) << div1 << endl;
      cout << "/ ";
      cout << setw (4) << div2 << endl;
      cout << "------";
      cout << "\n";
     cin >> input;
      cout << "\n";
      (input == divAnswer)
      cout << "Congratulations\n";
      cout << "That is incorrect,\nThe correct answer is: " << divAnswer;
      cout << "\n";
      return 0;}
   else if (choice==5)
   {cout << "Thanks for playing\n";}
     {cout << "You can only select options 1-5, run the program again and select a option 1-5\n";}
      return 0;

I tried to see what you did and tried it but it did not work.

Ok I just can not get the loop to work. I tried what was in the second post but it does not work. Please help. I am stuck on the code I already posted.


I dont know if you already figure it out, but here it is...

.../ your code
    int addAnswer = add1 + add2;
    int subAnswer = sub1- sub2;
    int multiplyAnswer = multiply1 * multiply2;
    int divAnswer = div1 / div2;

    choice=6; // this is what I added

    while (choice!=5) { // the loop

check the program, if you notice everytime the user makes a choice, at the end you terminate the program, what you need to do is to initialize "choice =6" and delete "return 0" for everyoption...

check this out:

../ your code showing the menu
if (choice==1)
    cout << setw (6) << add1 << endl; 
    cout << "+ ";
    cout << setw (4) << add2 << endl;
    cout << "------";
    cout << "\n";
    cin >> input; 
    cout << "\n";
    (input == addAnswer)
    cout << "Congratulations\n";  
    cout << "That is incorrect,\nThe correct answer is: " << addAnswer;
    cout << "\n";

else if (choice==2)
    cout << setw (6) << sub1 << endl; 
    cout << "- ";
    cout << setw (4) << sub2 << endl;
    cout << "------";
    cout << "\n";
    cin >> input; 
    cout << "\n";
    (input == subAnswer)
    cout << "Congratulations\n";  
    cout << "That is incorrect,\nThe correct answer is: " << subAnswer;
    cout << "\n";
choice=6;   }

else if (choice==3)
    cout << setw (6) << multiply1 << endl; 
    cout << "* ";
    cout << setw (4) << multiply2 << endl;
    cout << "------";
    cout << "\n";
    cin >> input; 
    cout << "\n";
    (input == multiplyAnswer)
    cout << "Congratulations\n";  
    cout << "That is incorrect,\nThe correct answer is: " << multiplyAnswer;
    cout << "\n";
choice=6;   }

else if (choice==4)
    cout << setw (6) << div1 << endl; 
    cout << "/ ";
    cout << setw (4) << div2 << endl;
    cout << "------";
    cout << "\n";
    cin >> input; 
    cout << "\n";
    (input == divAnswer)
    cout << "Congratulations\n";  
    cout << "That is incorrect,\nThe correct answer is: " << divAnswer;
    cout << "\n";
choice=6;   }

else if (choice==5)
    {cout << "Thanks for playing\n";}

    {cout << "You can only select options 1-5, run the program again and select a option 1-5\n";}

} // end of while

I dont know if you already figure it out, but here it is...

.../ your code

int addAnswer = add1 + add2;
int subAnswer = sub1- sub2;
int multiplyAnswer = multiply1 * multiply2;
int divAnswer = div1 / div2;

choice=6; // this is what I added

while (choice!=5) { // the loop

check the program, if you notice everytime the user makes a choice, at the end you terminate the program, what you need to do is to initialize "choice =6" and delete "return 0" for everyoption...

check this out:

../ your code showing the menu

if (choice==1)
    cout << setw (6) << add1 << endl; 
    cout << "+ ";
    cout << setw (4) << add2 << endl;
    cout << "------";
    cout << "\n";
    cin >> input; 
    cout << "\n";
    (input == addAnswer)
    cout << "Congratulations\n";  
    cout << "That is incorrect,\nThe correct answer is: " << addAnswer;
    cout << "\n";

else if (choice==2)
    cout << setw (6) << sub1 << endl; 
    cout << "- ";
    cout << setw (4) << sub2 << endl;
    cout << "------";
    cout << "\n";
    cin >> input; 
    cout << "\n";
    (input == subAnswer)
    cout << "Congratulations\n";  
    cout << "That is incorrect,\nThe correct answer is: " << subAnswer;
    cout << "\n";
choice=6;   }

else if (choice==3)
    cout << setw (6) << multiply1 << endl; 
    cout << "* ";
    cout << setw (4) << multiply2 << endl;
    cout << "------";
    cout << "\n";
    cin >> input; 
    cout << "\n";
    (input == multiplyAnswer)
    cout << "Congratulations\n";  
    cout << "That is incorrect,\nThe correct answer is: " << multiplyAnswer;
    cout << "\n";
choice=6;   }

else if (choice==4)
    cout << setw (6) << div1 << endl; 
    cout << "/ ";
    cout << setw (4) << div2 << endl;
    cout << "------";
    cout << "\n";
    cin >> input; 
    cout << "\n";
    (input == divAnswer)
    cout << "Congratulations\n";  
    cout << "That is incorrect,\nThe correct answer is: " << divAnswer;
    cout << "\n";
choice=6;   }

else if (choice==5)
    {cout << "Thanks for playing\n";}

    {cout << "You can only select options 1-5, run the program again and select a option 1-5\n";}

} // end of while

end quote.

Ok I tried to do this and add the choice=6 and deleted the return 0 and nothing.

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iomanip>
#include <ctime>

using namespace std;

int main ()

    int add1, add2, sub1, sub2;
    int multiply1, multiply2, div1, div2;
    int choice, input;
    add1 = (rand()%500)+1, add2 = (rand()%500)+1; 
    sub1 = (rand()%500)+1, sub2 = (rand()%98)+1;
    multiply1 = (rand()%98)+1, multiply2 = (rand()%8)+1;
    div1 = (rand()%500)+1, div2 = (rand()%8)+1;
    int addAnswer = add1 + add2, subAnswer = sub1- sub2;
    int multiplyAnswer = multiply1 * multiply2, divAnswer = div1 / div2;

    //Display the menu and get the user's choice

        cout << "         Geometry Calculator \n\n";
        cout << "1. Addition\n";
        cout << "2. Subtraction\n";
        cout << "3. Multiplication\n";
        cout << "4. Division\n";
        cout << "5. Quit\n";
        cout << "\n";

        cout <<"Enter your choice (1-5): ";
        cin >> choice;
        cout << "\n";

while (choice!=5)   

if (choice==1)
    cout << setw (6) << add1 << "\n"; 
    cout << "+ ";
    cout << setw (4) << add2 << "\n";
    cout << "------";
    cout << "\n";
    cin >> input; 
    cout << "\n";
    (input == addAnswer)
    cout << "Congratulations\n";  
    cout << "That is incorrect,\nThe correct answer is: " << addAnswer;
    cout << "\n";
    cout << "\n";

else if (choice==2)
    cout << setw (6) << sub1 << "\n"; 
    cout << "- ";
    cout << setw (4) << sub2 << "\n";
    cout << "------";
    cout << "\n";
    cin >> input; 
    cout << "\n";
    (input == subAnswer)
    cout << "Congratulations\n";  
    cout << "That is incorrect,\nThe correct answer is: " << subAnswer;
    cout << "\n";
    cout << "\n";
choice=6; }

else if (choice==3)
    cout << multiply1; 
    cout << " * ";
    cout << multiply2 << "=";
    cin >> input; 
    cout << "\n";
    (input == multiplyAnswer)
    cout << "Congratulations\n";  
    cout << "That is incorrect,\nThe correct answer is: " << multiplyAnswer;
    cout << "\n";
    cout << "\n";
choice=6; }

else if (choice==4)
    cout << div1; 
    cout << "/";
    cout << div2 << "=";
    cin >> input; 
    cout << "\n";
    (input == divAnswer)
    cout << "Congratulations\n";  
    cout << "That is incorrect,\nThe correct answer is: " << divAnswer;
    cout << "\n";
    cout << "\n";
choice=6; }

else if (choice==5)
    cout << "Thanks for playing\n";
    cout << "\n";
    cout << "\n";

    {cout << "You can only select options 1-5, run the program again and select a option 1-5\n";}

return 0;


Ok I got the loop to work now why am I not generating random numbers each time. It just displays the same numbers each time a selection is picked. It will display random numbers when I re run the program but now if I run it again with the loop.

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iomanip>
#include <ctime>

using namespace std;

int main ()
	int add1, add2, sub1, sub2;
	int multiply1, multiply2, div1, div2;
	int choice, input;
	add1 = (rand()%500)+1, add2 = (rand()%500)+1; 
	sub1 = (rand()%500)+1, sub2 = (rand()%98)+1;
	multiply1 = (rand()%98)+1, multiply2 = (rand()%8)+1;
	div1 = (rand()%500)+1, div2 = (rand()%8)+1;
	int addAnswer = add1 + add2, subAnswer = sub1- sub2;
	int multiplyAnswer = multiply1 * multiply2, divAnswer = div1 / div2;
{	//Display the menu and get the user's choice

		cout << "         Math Tutor \n\n";
		cout << "1. Addition\n";
		cout << "2. Subtraction\n";
		cout << "3. Multiplication\n";
		cout << "4. Division\n";
		cout << "5. Quit\n";
		cout << "\n";

		cout <<"Enter your choice (1-5): ";
		cin >> choice;
		cout << "\n";

	//Validate the menu selection
	while (choice < 1 || choice > 5)
	 cout << "That is not a valid option\n";
	 cout <<"Enter your choice (1-5): ";
		cin >> choice;
		cout << "\n";

if (choice==1)
	cout << setw (6) << add1 << "\n"; 
	cout << "+ ";
	cout << setw (4) << add2 << "\n";
	cout << "------";
	cout << "\n";
	cin >> input; 
	cout << "\n";
	(input == addAnswer)
	cout << "Congratulations\n"; 	
	cout << "That is incorrect,\nThe correct answer is: " << addAnswer;
	cout << "\n";
	cout << "\n";

else if (choice==2)
	cout << setw (6) << sub1 << "\n"; 
	cout << "- ";
	cout << setw (4) << sub2 << "\n";
	cout << "------";
	cout << "\n";
	cin >> input; 
	cout << "\n";
	(input == subAnswer)
	cout << "Congratulations\n"; 	
	cout << "That is incorrect,\nThe correct answer is: " << subAnswer;
	cout << "\n";
	cout << "\n";
else if (choice==3)
	cout << multiply1; 
	cout << " * ";
	cout << multiply2 << "=";
	cin >> input; 
	cout << "\n";
	(input == multiplyAnswer)
	cout << "Congratulations\n"; 	
	cout << "That is incorrect,\nThe correct answer is: " << multiplyAnswer;
	cout << "\n";
	cout << "\n";
else if (choice==4)
	cout << div1; 
	cout << "/";
	cout << div2 << "=";
	cin >> input; 
	cout << "\n";
	(input == divAnswer)
	cout << "Congratulations\n"; 	
	cout << "That is incorrect,\nThe correct answer is: " << divAnswer;
	cout << "\n";
	cout << "\n";

else if (choice==5)
	cout << "Thanks for playing\n";
	cout << "\n";
	cout << "\n";

} while (choice !=5);
return 0;


Short answer:

Move the do { from line 23/24 in front of the random stuff starting on line 15.

Longer answer:
If you were to break each problem type out into a function, you could call it from the if (choice == stuff. The function could then generate the random values for the problem.

This second method would have the added advantage of having everything about the problem all in one place. (The random parameters, the display, the input and the validation.) Also, your code wouldn't be bothering to generate random problems that will never be used.

Sample add method:

void add()
   int add1 = (rand()%500)+1;
   int add2 = (rand()%500)+1;
   int addAnswer = add1 + add2;

   cout << setw (6) << add1 << "\n";
   cout << "+ ";
   cout << setw (4) << add2 << "\n";
   cout << "------";
   cout << "\n";
   cin >> input;
   cout << "\n";
   if (input == addAnswer)
      cout << "Congratulations\n";
      cout << "That is incorrect,\nThe correct answer is: " << addAnswer;
   cout << "\n";
   cout << "\n";

Short answer:

Move the do { from line 23/24 in front of the random stuff starting on line 15.

Longer answer:
If you were to break each problem type out into a function, you could call it from the if (choice == stuff. The function could then generate the random values for the problem.

This second method would have the added advantage of having everything about the problem all in one place. (The random parameters, the display, the input and the validation.) Also, your code wouldn't be bothering to generate random problems that will never be used.

Sample add method:

void add()
   int add1 = (rand()%500)+1;
   int add2 = (rand()%500)+1;
   int addAnswer = add1 + add2;

   cout << setw (6) << add1 << "\n";
   cout << "+ ";
   cout << setw (4) << add2 << "\n";
   cout << "------";
   cout << "\n";
   cin >> input;
   cout << "\n";
   if (input == addAnswer)
      cout << "Congratulations\n";
      cout << "That is incorrect,\nThe correct answer is: " << addAnswer;
   cout << "\n";
   cout << "\n";

So would I need to create a function for each problem?


I used your short answer method as we are just starting to learn about functions.

Thanks and problem solved

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iomanip>
#include <ctime>

using namespace std;

int main ()
	int add1, add2, sub1, sub2;
	int multiply1, multiply2, div1, div2;
	int choice, input;
	do {add1 = (rand()%500)+1, add2 = (rand()%500)+1; 
	sub1 = (rand()%500)+1, sub2 = (rand()%98)+1;
	multiply1 = (rand()%98)+1, multiply2 = (rand()%8)+1;
	div1 = (rand()%500)+1, div2 = (rand()%8)+1;
	int addAnswer = add1 + add2, subAnswer = sub1- sub2;
	int multiplyAnswer = multiply1 * multiply2, divAnswer = div1 / div2;

	//Display the menu and get the user's choice

	cout << "         Math Tutor \n\n";
	cout << "1. Addition\n";
	cout << "2. Subtraction\n";
	cout << "3. Multiplication\n";
	cout << "4. Division\n";
	cout << "5. Quit\n";
	cout << "\n";

	cout <<"Enter your choice (1-5): ";
	cin >> choice;
	cout << "\n";

	//Validate the menu selection
	while (choice < 1 || choice > 5)
		cout << "That is not a valid option\n";
		cout <<"Enter your choice (1-5): ";
		cin >> choice;
		cout << "\n";

	if (choice==1)
		cout << setw (6) << add1 << "\n"; 
		cout << "+ ";
		cout << setw (4) << add2 << "\n";
		cout << "------";
		cout << "\n";
		cin >> input; 
		cout << "\n";
			(input == addAnswer)
			cout << "Congratulations\n"; 	
			cout << "That is incorrect,\nThe correct answer is: " << addAnswer;
		cout << "\n";
		cout << "\n";

	else if (choice==2)
		cout << setw (6) << sub1 << "\n"; 
		cout << "- ";
		cout << setw (4) << sub2 << "\n";
		cout << "------";
		cout << "\n";
		cin >> input; 
		cout << "\n";
			(input == subAnswer)
			cout << "Congratulations\n"; 	
			cout << "That is incorrect,\nThe correct answer is: " << subAnswer;
		cout << "\n";
		cout << "\n";

	else if (choice==3)
		cout << multiply1; 
		cout << " * ";
		cout << multiply2 << "=";
		cin >> input; 
		cout << "\n";
			(input == multiplyAnswer)
			cout << "Congratulations\n"; 	
			cout << "That is incorrect,\nThe correct answer is: " << multiplyAnswer;
		cout << "\n";
		cout << "\n";

	else if (choice==4)
		cout << div1; 
		cout << "/";
		cout << div2 << "=";
		cin >> input; 
		cout << "\n";
			(input == divAnswer)
			cout << "Congratulations\n"; 	
			cout << "That is incorrect,\nThe correct answer is: " << divAnswer;
		cout << "\n";
		cout << "\n";

	else if (choice==5)
		cout << "Thanks for playing\n";
		cout << "\n";
		cout << "\n";

	} while (choice !=5);

	return 0;


Ok fixed it so it would display the menu again if you do not select a valid option

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iomanip>
#include <ctime>

using namespace std;

int main ()
	int add1, add2, sub1, sub2;
	int multiply1, multiply2, div1, div2;
	int choice, input;
	do {add1 = (rand()%500)+1, add2 = (rand()%500)+1; 
	sub1 = (rand()%500)+1, sub2 = (rand()%98)+1;
	multiply1 = (rand()%98)+1, multiply2 = (rand()%8)+1;
	div1 = (rand()%500)+1, div2 = (rand()%8)+1;
	int addAnswer = add1 + add2, subAnswer = sub1- sub2;
	int multiplyAnswer = multiply1 * multiply2, divAnswer = div1 / div2;

	//Display the menu and get the user's choice

	cout << "         Math Tutor \n\n";
	cout << "1. Addition\n";
	cout << "2. Subtraction\n";
	cout << "3. Multiplication\n";
	cout << "4. Division\n";
	cout << "5. Quit\n";
	cout << "\n";

	cout <<"Enter your choice (1-5): ";
	cin >> choice;
	cout << "\n";

	//Validate the menu selection
	while (choice < 1 || choice > 5)
		cout << "That is not a valid option\n";
		cout <<"Please select again\n\n ";
		cout << "         Math Tutor \n\n";
		cout << "1. Addition\n";
		cout << "2. Subtraction\n";
		cout << "3. Multiplication\n";
		cout << "4. Division\n";
		cout << "5. Quit\n";
		cout << "\n";

		cout <<"Enter your choice (1-5): ";
		cin >> choice;
		cout << "\n";

	if (choice==1)
		cout << setw (6) << add1 << "\n"; 
		cout << "+ ";
		cout << setw (4) << add2 << "\n";
		cout << "------";
		cout << "\n";
		cin >> input; 
		cout << "\n";
			(input == addAnswer)
			cout << "Congratulations\n"; 	
			cout << "That is incorrect,\nThe correct answer is: " << addAnswer;
		cout << "\n";
		cout << "\n";

	else if (choice==2)
		cout << setw (6) << sub1 << "\n"; 
		cout << "- ";
		cout << setw (4) << sub2 << "\n";
		cout << "------";
		cout << "\n";
		cin >> input; 
		cout << "\n";
			(input == subAnswer)
			cout << "Congratulations\n"; 	
			cout << "That is incorrect,\nThe correct answer is: " << subAnswer;
		cout << "\n";
		cout << "\n";

	else if (choice==3)
		cout << multiply1; 
		cout << " * ";
		cout << multiply2 << "=";
		cin >> input; 
		cout << "\n";
			(input == multiplyAnswer)
			cout << "Congratulations\n"; 	
			cout << "That is incorrect,\nThe correct answer is: " << multiplyAnswer;
		cout << "\n";
		cout << "\n";

	else if (choice==4)
		cout << div1; 
		cout << "/";
		cout << div2 << "=";
		cin >> input; 
		cout << "\n";
			(input == divAnswer)
			cout << "Congratulations\n"; 	
			cout << "That is incorrect,\nThe correct answer is: " << divAnswer;
		cout << "\n";
		cout << "\n";

	else if (choice==5)
		cout << "Thanks for playing\n";
		cout << "\n";
		cout << "\n";

	} while (choice !=5);

	return 0;

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