
I have a checklist box and I am trying to Check and Uncheck the the Items with a single click.
My code seams to be checking and uncheking if the Item is not selected.
If I Click on an Item that is checked it will uncheck it or vice versa, but if I click on that same Item to check it again it won't.
Here is the coed.

Private Sub chklstBuilder_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles chklstBuilder.Click
        Dim I As Integer = chklstBuilder.SelectedIndex()

        If (chklstBuilder.GetItemCheckState(I)) = CheckState.Checked Then
            chklstBuilder.SetItemCheckState(I, CheckState.Unchecked)
            Exit Sub
        End If

        If (chklstBuilder.GetItemCheckState(I)) = CheckState.Unchecked Then
            chklstBuilder.SetItemCheckState(I, CheckState.Checked)
        End If
    End Sub

thank you

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All 5 Replies


CheckListBox, Automatically Toggles between Check and UnCheck, you dont have to write the code in Click event. Remove all the Code and Check..


yes it does but I have to double click and I want it to do it just with a single click.
can you help?

try posting in vb.net forum... this forum is for vb6..


You can make it to Toggle with Single Click:
Write this in Form Load:

chkListBox1.CheckOnClick = True


Thank you all for your help .
qveen72's works great.

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