my form window sate (property) is maximized. this is run maximized before. but today it run normally. but when I manually maximized it then it would maximized. what problem with it.

check to make sure that you did not accidently change the windowstate property in the properties window. THen if you really want to make sure, add...

Me.WindowState = vbMaximized

to the forms load event.

Good Luck

no change. the maximized button of the form was true when it run. but the form size not change. I mean it not show in full screen. it show in half of the screen with maximized button true. when I click maximized button it false and then again click then true and show in full screen.

Yeah, I've seen this before and I have no idea why this happens but you can add this to the form load event.

Me.Width = Screen.ScaleWidth
Me.Height = Screen.ScaleHeight
Me.WindowState = vbMaximized

See if that helps...

Good Luck

Me.Width = Screen.ScaleWidth
Me.Height = Screen.ScaleHeight
Me.WindowState = vbMaximized

Good Luck

this not run. I write this and run

Me.Width = Screen.Width
Me.Height = Screen.Height
Me.WindowState = vbMaximized
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