The aim of the program was to Write a short assembly language program which creates a divide by zero trap and modify the isr so that you change the error message that the isr issues.

stepintr.asm << the sample
isr << built in system trap message he said.

stepintr.asm contains

TITLE Single-step program STEPINTR.ASM
Objective: To demonstrate how ISRs can be defined and installed.
Input: None
| Output: Displays AX and BX values for the single-step code

old_offset DW ? ; for old ISR offset
old_seg DW ? ; and segment values
start_msg DB 'Starts single stepping process.',0
AXequ DB 'AX = ',0
BXequ DB ' BX = ',0
INCLUDE io.mac
main PROC
PutStr start_msg
; get current interrupt vector for int 1H

mov AX, 3501H ; AH := 35H and AL := 01H
int 21H ; returns the offset in BX
mov old_offset, BX ; and the segment in ES
mov old_seg, ES

;set up interrupt vector to our ISR

push DS ; DS is used by function 25H
mov AX, CS ; copy current segment to DS
mov DS, AX
mov DX, OFFSET sstep_ISR ; ISR offset in DX
mov AX,2501H ; AH := 25H and AL := 1H
int 21H
pop DS ; restore DS
; set trap flag to start single stepping
pop AX ; copy flags into AX
or AX,100H ; set trap flag bit (TF = 1)
push AX ; copy modified flag bits

; from now on a type 1 interrupt is generated after executing
; each instruction. Some test instructions follow.

mov AX, 100
mov BX, 20
add AX, BX

; now we are ready to stop the single stepping
; clear trap flag to end single stepping

pop AX ; copy flags into AX
and AX,0FEFFH ; clear trap flag bit (TF = 0)
push AX ; copy modified flag bits
popf ; back to flags register

; restore the original ISR

mov DX, old_offset
push DS
mov AX, old_seg
mov DS, AX
mov AX, 2501H
int 21H
pop DS
main ENDP
;Single-step interrupt service routine replaces int 01H.

sstep_ISR PROC
sti ; enable interrupt
PutStr AXequ ; display AX contents
PutInt AX
PutStr BXequ ; display BX contents
PutInt BX
sstep_ISR ENDP
END main

the isr.asm contains

n1 DB 0
main PROC
mov AL,10
div n1 ; look up div instruction
main ENDP
END main

Can anyone help me. Its a little urgent.

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Which register is used for that trap ?

Which register is used for that trap ?

I am not sure. Can you help me. I need this soon. If possible can you send me this code?

You have two problems in your interrupt 1 handler:
registers are not pushed and restored,
your divisor is zero.
Also when divisor is 8-bits, AX / divisor

mov ax, 10h
div byte [nl]

Here's my code if it will help.
Hope I don't go to heck, any more delusional thoughts???

bits 16
org 100h

mov dx, isr1_grave
mov ax, 0x2501
int 21h
pop ax
or ax, 0x100
push ax

mov ax, bx
xor bx, bx

pop ax
and ax, 0xfeff
push ax

int 0x20

nl db 0
push ax
;mov al, 0x41 ; for confirmation with permission
;int 0x29
mov ax, 10h
div byte [nl]
pop ax
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