Hey guys, I am new to vb and need some help with this change program. The idea is that we are given a certain amoun of change and then telling how many dollars, quarters, dimes, nickles and pennies. I thought I would convert the decimal to an integer and then use a while loop for every text box, i.e. dollars, quarters, dimes, etc.., to show how many of each, but the while loop is confusing for me in vb, but to tell you the truth I don't know if I am on the right track, can you help?

Public Class Form1

    Private Sub btnCalculate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCalculate.Click
        Dim getChange As Decimal = txtStart.Text
        Dim intGetChange As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(getChange)

        While intGetChange > 100

        End While

        Dim showDollars As Integer = intGetChange
        Dim showQuarters As Integer = txtQuarters.Text
        Dim showDimes As Integer = txtDimes.Text
        Dim showNickles As Integer = txtNickles.Text
        Dim showPennies As Integer = txtPennies.Text

    End Sub
End Class

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What you need to do is use mod division and integer division in a loop to calculate the number of each denimination in the total. Here's a rough pseudocode to get you started:

for each denomination (largest to smallest)
number of denomination = remainder \ denomination (this is integer division)
remainder = remainder MOD denomination

In other words, if you start with 99:

99\50 = 1
99 MOD 50 = 49

49\20 = 2
49 MOD 20 = 9


I understand the division and then mod part but when I try to divide the variable by 100 it gives me an error that it is not a method, also once I get the loop to work how do I get dollars to display to the appropriate text box.

Public Class Form1

    Private Sub btnCalculate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCalculate.Click
        Dim getChange As Decimal = txtStart.Text
        Dim intGetChange As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(getChange)
        Dim showDollars As Integer = txtDollars.Text
        Dim showQuarters As Integer = txtQuarters.Text
        Dim showDimes As Integer = txtDimes.Text
        Dim showNickles As Integer = txtNickles.Text
        Dim showPennies As Integer = txtPennies.Text

        For intGetChange = 999999 To 100

            intGetChange \ 100


    End Sub
End Class

I looked a C++ problem, and I created something similar, however I can't seem to attach the text boxes it is giving me an error, can you help?

Public Class Form1
    Dim remainder As Integer
    Private Sub btnCalculate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCalculate.Click
        Dim getChange As Decimal = txtStart.Text
        Dim intGetChange As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(getChange)
        Dim showDollars As Integer = txtDollars.Text
        Dim showQuarters As Integer = txtQuarters.Text
        Dim showDimes As Integer = txtDimes.Text
        Dim showNickles As Integer = txtNickles.Text
        Dim showPennies As Integer = txtPennies.Text

        If intGetChange > 100 Then
            showDollars = intGetChange / 100
            remainder = intGetChange Mod 100
            showQuarters = intGetChange / 25
            remainder = intGetChange Mod 25
            showDimes = intGetChange / 10
            remainder = intGetChange Mod 10
            showNickles = intGetChange / 5
            remainder = intGetChange Mod 5
            showPennies = intGetChange

        End If

    End Sub
End Class

Please I'm a little stuck.

You need to use remainder instead of intGetChange after you calculate Dollars:

showQuarters = remainder / 25
remainder = remainder Mod 25

You're using the textboxes incorrectly:

Dim showDollars As Integer = txtDollars.Text

this is attempting to store the text value in txtDollars into your showDollars variable. It is failing because you are implicitly casting the string to an integer.

You need to just declare the Integers first Dim showDollars As Integer , then set their values showDollars = intGetChange / 100 , THEN show that value in the textbox txtDollars.Text = showDollars at the end.

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