Where I can download VB6.0 english version? Need one now but couldn't find on the web.


q2, requests like this can get you banned from almost every forum site I know of as your request is illiciting illegal behavior. Meaning that it is still illegal to download "free" copies of VB6. Now I know as the rest of us do that you don't want to do anything illegal so you have a few choices. One is to go over to nextag.com and search for any of the following...

Visual Studio 6.0 Enterprise
Visual Basic 6.0 Enterprise

Visual Studio 6.0 Professional
Visual Basic 6.0 Professional

You can also try ebay and or your friends (yahoo, google, ask, answers, bing) but I would suggest you add the word buy or purchase to your queries...

And Finally, purchase the MSDN subscription from M$ and then from M$ you can download any of the versions I noted above.

Good Luck

sorry~~~~~~~~~I'll never do it agian~~~

VB6 is probably no longer available, but VB-Express 2008 can be downloaded from here

Left open hoping piracy would not be suggested. It was.

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