Dorayaki -2 Light Poster

I'm trying to make Snake and Ladder Games...

For the Board I use PictureBox

but for the players I don't
I'm using circle which is image...

because players can move when they roll the dice.. so I should use DrawImage and Because I want to make the background Transparent as well.

Here is my code

Img(0) = My.Resources.RedPlayer
        Img(1) = My.Resources.YellowPlayer
        Img(2) = My.Resources.BluePlayer

        For p As Integer = 0 To 2
            bitmap(p) = New Bitmap(Img(p), Img(p).Width, Img(p).Height)

When the player set new game and input how many player, it will show the image

Dim g As Graphics = Me.CreateGraphics
        g.DrawImage(bitmap(0), 10, 10)

but I'm confuse... why the graphics doesn't show in front of the board
it shows behind the board, I can't see it.
