Hi everyone, please help me with this error. Im trying to fix this for hours now but still im a failure. Thanks,

Public Sub LoadListView()

Dim strSQL As String
Dim objCurrLI As ListItem
Dim strZip As String
Dim strPhone As String

strSQL = "SELECT Accession" _
& " , DateReceived" _
& " , Author" _
& " , Title" _
& " , Edition" _
& " , Volume" _
& " , Copyright" _
& " , Publisher" _
& " , BorrowedBy" _
& " , BookCount" _
& " FROM BooksDatabase" _
& " ORDER BY Accession ASC"

mobjCmd.CommandText = strSQL
Set mobjRst = mobjCmd.Execute


With mobjRst
Do Until .EOF
Set objCurrLI = lvwBooks.ListItems.Add(, , " " & !Accession)

objCurrLI.SubItems(1) = !DateReceived & ""
objCurrLI.SubItems(2) = !Author & ""
objCurrLI.SubItems(3) = !Title & ""
objCurrLI.SubItems(4) = !Edition & ""
objCurrLI.SubItems(5) = !Volume & ""
objCurrLI.SubItems(6) = !Copyright & ""
objCurrLI.SubItems(7) = !Publisher & ""
objCurrLI.SubItems(8) = !BorrowedBy & ""
objCurrLI.SubItems(9) = !BookCount & ""
End With

Set objCurrLI = Nothing
Set mobjRst = Nothing

End Sub

hello everyone! thanks for all your answers.... i finally found the solution to my problem! i thought this is a good site to help someone like me.

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