can someone make the code on this activity
II. Procedures:
a. Create a program (Save as Act4.asm) that will ask the user to input a 2 digit number. Compute and display the sum of these numbers. Assume that the sum will only yield a single digit (maximum value of 9).
Sample Output:
Enter a 2 digit number>> 33
The sum of >> 3 and 3 is 6
Enter a 2 digit number>> 54
The sum of >> 5 and 4 is 9
Hint: if you add the contents of two registers (ADD al,bl), the processor adds the bit contents of the registers not their character equivalent.
al = 00110001b or 31h ;Corresponds to ‘1’
bl = 00110110b or 36h ;Corresponds to ‘6’
If we use the command ADD al,bl, the contents of al after execution of the command is 01100111b or 67h which corresponds to ‘g’ in the ASCII table. In most cases we would think that the contents of al would be ‘7’.