I found this somewhere on some website. Would you care to decode it, like explain why, when, and how they used the codes? The only part I didn't get is how did they get "largest_1" and "largest_2" by doing this. I see that it loops to find it but does the program overrides the "largest" numbers? This would help me understand more about finding the max/min of an assignment.

    restart = false;
    for ( i = 1; i < 4; i++ )
    if ( input[i] < input[i+1] ) 
    temp = input[i];           //=======================================//
    input[i] = input[i+1];     //set up to do loop again until it's true//
    input[i+1] = temp;         //=======================================//
    restart = true;            // if it is true then it will go to while loop
    }                          // end of If loop
    }                          // end of For loop                   
    }                          // end of Do loop
    while ( restart == true ); // start of while loop
    largest_1 = input[1];      // records first largest
    largest_2 = input[2];      // records second largest
                               // desplays the answers 
    cout << "The largest two of the numbers you entered are " << largest_1
         << " and " << largest_2 << endl << endl;
    return largest_1, largest_2;

Thank you.

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They're sorting the list from high to low, then picking the first two elements, which are, since it's a sorted list, the largest two elements.

Note that they don't use the 0 array index. Arrays start with element index 0 in C++, not 1.

what the program does is, instead of overriding, replace the numbers to order them from largest to smallest... Let me explain:

Suppose the original input is | 5 | 7 | 1 | 3 | Enter the loop: is 5 < 7 ? Yes
Since it is, it assigns 5 to a temp variable, assign 7 to the position where 5 was originally located and assign 5 to where 7 was originally located.

So, now we have: | 7 | 5 | 1 | 3 | Move forward. Is 5 < 1 ? No
Move forward. Is 1 < 3 ? Yes
Since it is, repeat the same process as before (switch the numbers)

Now, we have | 7 | 5 | 3 | 1 | KEEP ALWAYS IN MIND: To better understand an excercise, do a desktop test, by running the process with paper and pencil, so you can visually track the program's data flow

Thank you guys. Your explanation really helped me to understand this codes. Now I know what to do on my other project.

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