I want to develop a software in C++, Java or VB to develop a software /tool to remove duplicates and to identify siblings.

The Code/implement the BSN (Basic Sorted Neighborhood) method to remove duplicates.

The Code/implement the BSN (Basic Sorted Neighborhood) method to identify the siblings (people who have the same father i.e. they are brothers and sisters of each other)

ok that sounds good. But do you have a question?

ok that sounds good. But do you have a question?

The Task is

1. Code/implement the BSN (Basic Sorted Neighborhood) method to remove duplicates.
2. Code/implement the BSN (Basic Sorted Neighborhood) method to identify the siblings (people who have the same father i.e. they are brothers and sisters of each other)

this is a question and answer forum, not an assign tasks and have people do everything for you forum

I want to develop a software in C++, Java or VB to develop a software /tool

so he asks in a C# forum? lol

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