Hi all,

I am trying to error check a piece of code and hope someone can help.

This is from my previous thread which 'Codeoder' help me on..


I have a RTB which I import with a set of 7 or 9 didit numbers, 7 for Staff and 9 for Students. e.g. Staff numbers


and depending on what is selected in a list box ('Student' or 'Staff') will generate a string to create user accounts. To further error check I would like to check if a line in the RTB = 7 And Listbox = "Student" Then msgbox("Data mismatch between User ID and Account type") Else .....

I have error checked and it works if I input 6 and 8 digits prefixing with a 0.

Now the problem is if there is a mix of say 6 and 7 digits. if the first line has 7 digits it still get a prefixed 0. This caused problems when I tried it 'live' and created a new user account with the wrong user ID.

Code as follows:

Public Class FrmLTAD

    Dim da As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter
    Dim con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
    Dim ds As New DataSet
    Dim userFullName As String
    Dim LogW As String
    Dim LogPath As String
    Dim PathStr As String
    Dim TxtPath As String
    Dim ResultsSav As String
    Dim dbProvider As String
    Dim dbSource As String
    DIm itm As String
    Dim sql As String
    Dim inc As Integer
    Dim MaxRows As Integer

    Private arTemp() As String = Nothing '// used to get all lines from TextBox.    
    Private sTemp As String = Nothing '// used to add lines back to TextBox.

    Private Sub ButExit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButExit.Click
    End Sub

    Private Sub FrmLTAD_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


        ButCutPaste.Visible = False

        'log time and user logon name to log file
        userFullName = System.Environment.UserName

        LogPath = "C:\LTAD\LTAD Log\LTAD.Log"
        PathStr = "C:\LTAD\Database\"

        LogW = "User " & userFullName & " logged in at " & Date.Now & vbCrLf
        My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(LogPath, LogW, True)

    End Sub

    Private Sub ClearForm()

        Select Case con.State
            Case ConnectionState.Open
                con.Close()  'already opened? then close
        End Select

        inc = 0
        CBSchName.SelectedIndex = 0
        CBSchYear.SelectedIndex = 0

        ButCutPaste.Visible = False

    End Sub

    Private Sub ButClear_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButClear.Click

        TxtRefNum.BackColor = Color.White
        RTBUserID.BackColor = Color.White
        RTBForename.BackColor = Color.White
        RTBSurname.BackColor = Color.White

        CBSchName.SelectedIndex = 0
        CBSchYear.SelectedIndex = 0

        ButCutPaste.Visible = False

        Select con.State
            Case ConnectionState.Open
                con.Close()  'already opened? then close
        End Select


        Catch ex As DataException
            LogW = "User " & userFullName & " Exception error during dataset clear " & Date.Now & vbCrLf
            My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(LogPath, LogW, True)
            LogW = "--------------------- Exception Message Start ---------------------" & vbCrLf
            My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(LogPath, LogW, True)
            LogW = ex.Message.ToString & vbCrLf
            My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(LogPath, LogW, True)
            LogW = "---------------------- Exception Message End ----------------------" & vbCrLf
            My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(LogPath, LogW, True)

            MsgBox("Exception error caught, please check logfile", MessageBoxIcon.Error)
        End Try

    End Sub

    Private Sub RadAdd_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles RadAdd.CheckedChanged
        RTBUserID.Enabled = True
        RTBForename.Enabled = True
        RTBSurname.Enabled = True
    End Sub

    Private Sub RadMove_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles RadMove.CheckedChanged
        RTBUserID.Enabled = True
        RTBForename.Enabled = False
        RTBSurname.Enabled = False
    End Sub

    Private Sub RadDelete_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles RadDelete.CheckedChanged
        RTBUserID.Enabled = True
        RTBForename.Enabled = False
        RTBSurname.Enabled = False
    End Sub

    Private Sub RadPassword_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles RadPassword.CheckedChanged
        RTBUserID.Enabled = True
        RTBForename.Enabled = False
        RTBSurname.Enabled = False
    End Sub

    Private Function validateCoolRTB(ByVal RTBUserID As RichTextBox, ByVal iIDlengthThatIsAlsoCooLxD As Integer) As Boolean

        TxtVal.Text = ""

        For Each itm As String In RTBUserID.Lines '// loop thru            
            If Not itm.Length = iIDlengthThatIsAlsoCooLxD Then TxtVal.Text = itm.Length Else Return False


        Return True

    End Function

    Private Sub CheckClientID()

        Dim NumVal As Integer

        For x As Integer = 0 To RTBUserID.Text.Length - 1
            RTBUserID.SelectionStart = x
            RTBUserID.SelectionLength = 1
            RTBUserID.Text = RTBUserID.Text.Replace(vbTab, "")

        If RTBUserID.Text = "" Then
            MsgBox("Please add Client ID's", MessageBoxIcon.Error)
            Exit Sub
        ElseIf RTBUserID.Text.Substring(0, 1) = vbLf Then
            RTBUserID.Text = RTBUserID.Text.Substring(1, RTBUserID.TextLength - 1)
        End If

        NumVal = 0

        If validateCoolRTB(RTBUserID, 6) = False Then
            NumVal = 6
        ElseIf validateCoolRTB(RTBUserID, 7) = False Then
            NumVal = 7
        ElseIf validateCoolRTB(RTBUserID, 8) = False Then
            NumVal = 8
        ElseIf validateCoolRTB(RTBUserID, 9) = False Then
            NumVal = 9
        End If

        Select Case NumVal

            Case 6 To 7 And CBSchYear.Text = "Staff"

                If NumVal = 7 And CBSchYear.Text = "Staff" Then

                    Dim arr() As String
                    Dim i As Integer

                    arr = Split(RTBUserID.Text, vbCrLf)

                    For i = 0 To i

                        RTBID.Text = arr(i)

                    Next i

                    Dim f As String = ""

                    For Each line As String In RTBID.Lines
                        f &= ZeroPad(line, 7) & vbCrLf

                    RTBID.Text = f


                    ' ------- working here ------ mixed user id with 7 digit in 1st line gets prefixed with a 0 if there is a mix of 6 and 7 digits.
                    ' need to strip it off.

                    Dim arr() As String
                    Dim i As Integer
                    Dim s As Integer = i.ToString.PadLeft(7).Replace(" ", "0")

                    arr = Split(RTBUserID.Text, vbCrLf)

                    For i = 0 To i

                        RTBID.Text = s & arr(i)

                    Next i

                    Dim f As String = ""

                    For Each line As String In RTBID.Lines
                        f &= ZeroPad(line, 7) & vbCrLf

                    RTBID.Text = f

                End If

            Case 6 To 7 And CBSchYear.Text <> "Staff"

                MsgBox("The Staff ID's do not match the school year selected", MessageBoxIcon.Warning)

                Exit Sub

            Case 8 To 9 And CBSchYear.Text <> "Staff"

                If NumVal = 9 And CBSchYear.Text <> "Staff" Then

                    Dim arr() As String
                    Dim i As Integer

                    RTBUserID.Text.TrimEnd(" ")

                    arr = Split(RTBUserID.Text, vbCrLf)

                    For i = 0 To i

                        RTBID.Text = arr(i)

                    Next i

                    Dim f As String = ""

                    For Each line As String In RTBID.Lines
                        f &= ZeroPad(line, 9) & vbCrLf

                    RTBID.Text = f


                    Dim arr() As String
                    Dim i As Integer
                    Dim s As Integer = i.ToString.PadLeft(9).Replace(" ", "0")

                    RTBUserID.Text.TrimEnd(" ")

                    arr = Split(RTBUserID.Text, vbCrLf)

                    For i = 0 To i

                        RTBID.Text = s & arr(i)

                    Next i

                    Dim f As String = ""

                    For Each line As String In RTBID.Lines
                        f &= ZeroPad(line, 9) & vbCrLf

                    RTBID.Text = f

                End If

            Case 8 To 9 And CBSchYear.Text = "Staff"

                MsgBox("The Student ID's do not match the school year selected", MessageBoxIcon.Warning)

                Exit Sub

        End Select

    End Sub

    Private Function ZeroPad(ByVal num As Integer, ByVal width As Integer) As String
        Return num.ToString.PadLeft(width).Replace(" ", "0")
    End Function

    Private Function ZeroPad(ByVal str As String, ByVal width As Integer) As String
        Return str.PadLeft(width).Replace(" ", "0")
    End Function

    Private Sub ButGenerate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButGenerate.Click

        'error check to see if fields are filled in
        TxtRefNum.BackColor = Color.White
        RTBUserID.BackColor = Color.White
        RTBForename.BackColor = Color.White
        RTBSurname.BackColor = Color.White

        Dim txt() As TextBox = {TxtRefNum}
        Dim i As Integer = 0
        Dim flag As Integer = 0

        While i < txt.Length
            If txt(i).Text = String.Empty Then
                txt(i).BackColor = Color.LightCoral
                flag = 1
            End If
            i += 1
        End While

        If flag Then
            MsgBox("Please add the LanDesk the Ref number")
            Exit Sub
        End If

        'log time and user logon name to log file
        userFullName = System.Environment.UserName

        LogPath = "C:\LTAD\LTAD Log\LTAD.Log"
        PathStr = "C:\LTAD\Database\"

        LogW = "User " & userFullName & " logged in at " & Date.Now & vbCrLf
        My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(LogPath, LogW, True)

        ' Check for prefixed character is uppercase
        Dim refNum As String = StrConv(TxtRefNum.Text, VbStrConv.ProperCase)

        TxtRefNum.Text = refNum

        'sets up path for database
        dbProvider = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0; "
        dbSource = "Data Source = " & PathStr & "LTADAccounts.accdb;"

        con.ConnectionString = dbProvider & dbSource


        If inc <> -1 Then

            Dim LanRef, SchName, SchYear, Category, sqlInsert As String
            Dim DCreated As Date
            Dim TotalNo As Integer
            Dim result As Integer = -1
            Dim SqlCommand As OleDb.OleDbCommand = New OleDb.OleDbCommand
            Dim myConnection = New OleDb.OleDbConnection()

            LanRef = TxtRefNum.Text
            DCreated = Date.Now().ToString("d")
            SchName = CBSchName.Text.Trim
            SchYear = CBSchYear.Text.Trim

            If RadAdd.Checked = True And RTBUserID.Text <> "T" And RTBUserID.Text <> "t" And RTBUserID.Text <> "C" And RTBUserID.Text <> "c" Then
                Category = "Add"
            ElseIf RadAdd.Checked = True And RTBUserID.Text = "T" Or RTBUserID.Text = "t" Then
            ElseIf RadAdd.Checked = True And RTBUserID.Text = "C" Or RTBUserID.Text = "c" Then
            ElseIf RadDelete.Checked = True Then
                Category = "Delete"
            ElseIf RadMove.Checked = True Then
                Category = "Move"
            ElseIf RadPassword.Checked = True Then
                Category = "Password"
            End If

            If RTBUserID.Text = "" Then
                RTBUserID.BackColor = Color.LightCoral
                MsgBox("Please add Client ID's", MessageBoxIcon.Error)
                Exit Sub
            ElseIf RTBUserID.Text.Substring(0, 1) = vbLf Then
                RTBUserID.Text = RTBUserID.Text.Substring(1, RTBUserID.TextLength - 1)
            End If

            TotalNo = RTBUserID.Lines.Count() - 1

            sqlInsert = "INSERT INTO Log (LanDeskNo, SchName, YearCode, Category, TotalNumber, DateCreated, CreatedBy)" &
                "VALUES ('" & LanRef & "','" & SchName & "','" & SchYear & "','" & Category & "','" & TotalNo & "','" & DCreated & "','" & userFullName & "')"

                SqlCommand.Connection = con
                SqlCommand.CommandText = sqlInsert
                result = SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()

            Catch ex As DataException

                LogW = "User " & userFullName & " Exception error during insert " & Date.Now & vbCrLf
                My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(LogPath, LogW, True)
                LogW = "--------------------- Exception Message Start ---------------------" & vbCrLf
                My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(LogPath, LogW, True)
                LogW = ex.Message.ToString & vbCrLf
                My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(LogPath, LogW, True)
                LogW = "---------------------- Exception Message End ----------------------" & vbCrLf
                My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(LogPath, LogW, True)

                MsgBox("Exception error caught, please check logfile", MessageBoxIcon.Error)

            End Try

            result = -1

        End If


        ButCutPaste.Visible = True

    End Sub

    Private Function removeLines(ByVal textInLineToFind As String, ByVal selectedTextBox As TextBox) As String

        arTemp = selectedTextBox.Lines '// set all lines from TextBox into a String Array.        
        sTemp = "" '// clear for new input.        

        For Each txtLine As String In arTemp '// loop thru all arrays.           

            If Not txtLine.Contains(textInLineToFind) Then '// check for line that contains preselected text and skip if .Contains.                
                '// if not in line, add to string.                

                If Not sTemp = "" Then sTemp &= vbNewLine & txtLine Else sTemp = txtLine
            End If
        Return sTemp '// return text back to TextBox.    

    End Function

    Private Sub RemoveBlankLine()

        If RTBUserID.Text.Length > 0 Then
            Dim lines(RTBUserID.Lines.Length - 2) As String
            Array.Copy(RTBUserID.Lines, lines, RTBUserID.Lines.Length - 1)
            RTBUserID.Lines = lines
        End If

    End Sub
    Private Sub CreateTrainee()

        Dim SecondBox() As String = RTBForename.Lines
        Dim ThirdBox() As String = RTBSurname.Lines

        For i = 0 To UBound(SecondBox)
            TxtResults.Text &= TxtSchCode.Text & "," & "T" & "," & TxtSchYear.Text & "," & SecondBox(i).TrimEnd & " " & ThirdBox(i).TrimEnd & ",,,," & TxtRefNum.Text & vbCrLf

        TxtResults.Text = removeLines(", ,,,,", TxtResults)

        My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText("C:\Temp\Export_" + Date.Now().ToString("dd-MM-yyyy") + "_" + TxtRefNum.Text + ".txt", TxtResults.Text, True)

    End Sub

    Private Sub CreateContractor()

        Dim SecondBox() As String = RTBForename.Lines
        Dim ThirdBox() As String = RTBSurname.Lines

        For i = 0 To UBound(SecondBox)
            TxtResults.Text &= TxtSchCode.Text & "," & "C" & "," & TxtSchYear.Text & "," & SecondBox(i).TrimEnd & " " & ThirdBox(i).TrimEnd & ",,,," & TxtRefNum.Text & vbCrLf

        TxtResults.Text = removeLines(", ,,,,", TxtResults)

        My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText("C:\Temp\Export_" + Date.Now().ToString("dd-MM-yyyy") + "_" + TxtRefNum.Text + ".txt", TxtResults.Text, True)

    End Sub

    Private Sub CreateAdd()

        Me.RTBID.Lines = Me.RTBID.Text.Split(New Char() {ControlChars.Lf}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)

        Dim FirstBox() As String = RTBID.Lines
        Dim SecondBox() As String = RTBForename.Lines
        Dim ThirdBox() As String = RTBSurname.Lines

        If FirstBox.Count <> SecondBox.Count Then
            MsgBox("Data mismatch - Client ID Count = " & FirstBox.Count & " Forename Count = " & SecondBox.Count)
            Exit Sub
        End If

        For i = 0 To UBound(FirstBox)
            TxtResults.Text &= TxtSchCode.Text & "," & FirstBox(i).Trim & "," & TxtSchYear.Text & "," & SecondBox(i).TrimEnd & " " & ThirdBox(i).TrimEnd & ",,,," & TxtRefNum.Text & vbCrLf

        'Remove Last Line if it contains 000000000 in the Client ID
        If CBSchYear.Text = ("Staff") Then
            TxtResults.Text = removeLines("000000", TxtResults)
            TxtResults.Text = removeLines("000000000", TxtResults)
        End If

        'Search for the first two characters in the client ID being 00 and strips one off.
        TxtResults.Text = TxtResults.Text.Replace(TxtSchCode.Text & ",00", TxtSchCode.Text & ",0")

        'strips off blank line
        If TxtResults.Text.Length > 0 Then
            Dim lines(TxtResults.Lines.Length - 2) As String
            Array.Copy(TxtResults.Lines, lines, TxtResults.Lines.Length - 1)
            TxtResults.Lines = lines
        End If

        My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText("C:\Temp\Export_" + Date.Now().ToString("dd-MM-yyyy") + "_" + TxtRefNum.Text + ".txt", TxtResults.Text, True)

    End Sub

    Private Sub CreateDelete()

        Dim FirstBox() As String = RTBID.Lines

        For i = 0 To UBound(FirstBox)
            TxtResults.Text &= TxtSchCode.Text & "," & FirstBox(i).TrimEnd & "," & TxtSchYear.Text & ",deleteme,,,," & TxtRefNum.Text & vbCrLf

        'Remove Last Line if it contains 000000000 in the Client ID
        If CBSchYear.Text = ("Staff") Then
            TxtResults.Text = removeLines("000000", TxtResults)
            TxtResults.Text = removeLines("000000000", TxtResults)
        End If

        TxtResults.Text = removeLines(TxtSchCode.Text & ",,", TxtResults)

        TxtResults.Text = TxtResults.Text.Replace(TxtSchCode.Text & ",00", TxtSchCode.Text & ",0")

        'strips off blank line
        If TxtResults.Text.Length > 0 Then
            Dim lines(TxtResults.Lines.Length - 2) As String
            Array.Copy(TxtResults.Lines, lines, TxtResults.Lines.Length - 1)
            TxtResults.Lines = lines
        End If

        My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText("C:\Temp\Export_" + Date.Now().ToString("dd-MM-yyyy") + "_" + TxtRefNum.Text + ".txt", TxtResults.Text, True)

    End Sub

    Private Sub CreateMove()

        Dim FirstBox() As String = RTBID.Lines

        For i = 0 To UBound(FirstBox)
            TxtResults.Text &= TxtSchCode.Text & "," & FirstBox(i).TrimEnd & "," & TxtSchYear.Text & ",moveme,,,," & TxtRefNum.Text & vbCrLf

        'Remove Last Line if it contains 000000000 in the Client ID
        If CBSchYear.Text = ("Staff") Then
            TxtResults.Text = removeLines("000000", TxtResults)
            TxtResults.Text = removeLines("000000000", TxtResults)
        End If

        TxtResults.Text = removeLines(TxtSchCode.Text & ",,", TxtResults)

        TxtResults.Text = TxtResults.Text.Replace(TxtSchCode.Text & ",00", TxtSchCode.Text & ",0")

        'strips off blank line
        If TxtResults.Text.Length > 0 Then
            Dim lines(TxtResults.Lines.Length - 2) As String
            Array.Copy(TxtResults.Lines, lines, TxtResults.Lines.Length - 1)
            TxtResults.Lines = lines
        End If

        My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText("C:\Temp\Export_" + Date.Now().ToString("dd-MM-yyyy") + "_" + TxtRefNum.Text + ".txt", TxtResults.Text, True)

    End Sub

    Private Sub CreatePass()

        Dim FirstBox() As String = RTBID.Lines
        Dim FindID, ReplaceID As String

        For i = 0 To UBound(FirstBox)
            TxtResults.Text &= FirstBox(i).TrimEnd & ","

        FindID = TxtResults.Text

        If CBSchYear.Text = ("Staff") Then
            FindID = TxtResults.Text
            ReplaceID = FindID.Replace(",0000000", "")
        Else : ReplaceID = FindID.Replace(",000000000", "")

        End If

        TxtResults.Text = ReplaceID

        TxtResults.Text = TxtResults.Text.Replace(TxtSchCode.Text & "00", TxtSchCode.Text & "0")

        'trims the last 2 characters off the line
        If TxtResults.Text.Length <> 0 Then
            TxtResults.Text = TxtResults.Text.Replace(",,", "")
        End If

        My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText("C:\Temp\Export_" + Date.Now().ToString("dd-MM-yyyy") + "_" + TxtRefNum.Text + ".txt", TxtResults.Text, True)

    End Sub

    Private Sub ButCutPaste_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButCutPaste.Click


        If TxtResults.SelectedText <> "" Then
            TxtResults.SelectedText = ""
            MsgBox("Results copied to clipboard", MessageBoxIcon.Information)
            MsgBox("No text is selected to cut")
        End If

        ButCutPaste.Visible = False

    End Sub

End Class

I can't really tell if you want to strip off leading digits or PadLeft to ensure a particular length or if you just need something to tell the difference between 6, 7, 8 and 9 digit padded numbers.

Have you tried stepping through it in debugger, set a break point at the spot it is adding the "0" on the front and check out what is wrong with your logic


instead of

f &= ZeroPad(line, 7) & vbCrLf

use the format function

f &= line.format("0000000")

I am also quite unclear on your question; thus If you would like my further support for this.thread, do supply the neccessary and well defined.details. Otherwise, I will take leave and fly on my own w/out a radar, as always:).

Hi All,

I'm trying not to make this thread to convoluted but seem to be failing....

Right here we go...

I'm going to stay with the 6 & 7 digits using the following as test data as I have already established that groups of 6 or 7 digits works, it the mixed numbers with a first set of 7 digits don't.


Stepping though the code at line 206 see's the data going into the array as

6312616 6291017 631261 6300471 6291280 6291424 629108 6300371 6300238 6312548

In line 210 RTBID.Text = s & arr(i)is shown

06312616 6291017 631261 6300471 6291280 6291424 629108 6300371 6300238 6312548

the zero has already been added to the first set on numbers.

After it's been through the loop the end result on line 220 is

06312616 6291017 0631261 6300471 6291280 6291424 0629108 6300371 6300238 6312548 0000000

Number sets 3 and 5 have been prefixed with a 0 and the then the last set (0000000) gets stripped off but the first set still as the 0 attached to it making it an 8 digit number.

Hope that made some sence because I completely bambooziled myself trying to write it down :S

Are you now describing what is happening that is desired behavior or is it undesired?

I need a simple sentence describing what you want from the list of numbers.
I'm imagining if you had the 6 and 7 digit numbers extracted into separate lists, this would not be an issue.

You can use a for loop to separate them or something like this:

Imports System
Imports System.Linq
Module Module1
   Function GetListByLength(ByRef lst As List(Of String), ByVal len As Integer) As List(Of String)
      Return lst.Where(Function(s) s.Length.Equals(len)).ToList()
   End Function
   Sub Main()
      Dim lst_strIds As New List(Of String) From _
         {"6312616", "6291017", "631261", "6300471", "6291280",
            "6291424", "629108", "6300371", "6300238", "6312548"}

      lst_strIds.ForEach(Sub(s) Console.WriteLine(s))

      Dim lst_strSixes = GetListByLength(lst_strIds, 6)
      lst_strSixes.ForEach(Sub(s) Console.WriteLine(s))

      Dim lst_strSevens = GetListByLength(lst_strIds, 7)
      lst_strSevens.ForEach(Sub(s) Console.WriteLine(s))
   End Sub
End Module

Hi Thines01

Sorry for the delay in getting back to thread...

What I would like is if the first set on numbers = 7 then not to prefix it with a 0 i.e.


it works if the first set of numbers = 6, prefixes with a 0 to = 7 which I require.


Fixed it....

I used the following

RTBUserID.Text = "000000" + vbCrLf + RTBUserID.Text

then stripped it off at the end. Works like a charm

many thanks to all for your input.

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