can anyone tell me examples of 3 mouse events(which will be easiest to create) and 3 keyboard events(which will be easiest to create) please! ASAP

There are multiple Mouse events.

Here is the order that the click events fire in.



Private Sub MouseDownMe(sender as object, e as MouseEventArgs) handles Me.MouseDown
        MsgBox("You have clicked the mouse.")
End Sub

Private Sub MouseClickMe(sender as object, e as MouseEventArgs) handles Me.MouseClick
If e.Button = Windows.Forms.MouseButton.Left Then
    MsgBox("You have clicked the left mouse button.")
End If
End Sub

Private Sub MouseUpMe(sender as object, e as MouseEventArgs) handles Me.MouseUp
    MsgBox("You have released the mouse button."
End Sub

For the case of keyboard events you may use this
on keyUp
on keyDown
on keyPress

I would like to show you the real codes and even some examples on that, but the current PC that I'm using rightnow doesn't have VB.NET installed. If possible tomorrow I will show you my friend.

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