Quick question. I am in the process of creating an application that uses alot of images, its becoming quite unbearable having to look through them ect.

I was wondering is it at all possible to programatically select an area of an image to display?

That way I could group images together onto 1 canvas of say 100px X 100px and then get picturebox1 to display x image at posistion 1,1?
Does that make any sense or should I explain it more visually?

I was wondering is it at all possible to programatically select an area of an image to display?

Of course. Though how you do so depends on what kind of processing you're doing. Sometimes a thumbnail will work, other times you can simply crop, still others might have you zoom in to a specific area (which may or may not be detected programmatically).

Are these all parts of the draw methods?

Thanks for the link deceptikon that is exactly the resource I needed.

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