Hi Folks
As a newbie, my datagrid (dgvExamScores)has column4 and column5 (and othercolumns)
column4 values depend on column5 values. Code works fine.
when I delete a column5 value, I expect the corresponding column4 to be deleted but this is not the case.
Just where have I erred in my code below.
Is this the correct event to use?

Private Sub dgvExamScores_CellValidated(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles dgvExamScores.CellValidated
        For i As Int32 = 0 To Me.dgvExamScores.Rows.Count - 1
            If Not IsDBNull(Me.dgvExamScores.Rows(i).Cells(5).Value) Then
                Me.dgvExamScores.Rows(i).Cells(4).Value = Me.txtCreditValue.Text
            End If


    End Sub


Private Sub dgvExamScores_CellValueChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles dgvExamScores.CellValueChanged
            For i As Int32 = 0 To Me.dgvExamScores.Rows.Count - 1
                If Me.dgvExamScores.Rows(i).Cells(5).Value <> Nothing Then
                    Me.dgvExamScores.Rows(i).Cells(4).Value = Me.txtCreditValue.Text
                   ' IsDBNull(Me.dgvExamScores.Rows(i).Cells(4).Value)
                End If
    End Sub

Thank very much.
I was missing the event to use.
For loop seems to take more processing time.

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