How do I make C++ save the names entered by the user into another file on the computer???

using namespace std;
struct players
string fname;
string lname;
int atbats;
int runs;
int hits;
int doubles;
int triples;
int hrs;
int rbi;
int sos;
double avg;
int main()
void bubblesort2(players team[]);
string ifile="top100off.txt", ofile="top60def.txt", name;
players team[100];
int i, c;
ifstream inFile;;
if ( 
cout << "The file was not opened." << endl;
inFile >> team[0].fname >> team[0].lname >> team[0].atbats >> team[0].runs
>> team[0].hits >> team[0].doubles >> team[0].triples >> team[0].hrs 
>> team[0].rbi >> team[0].sos >> team[0].avg;
for(i=1; i<100; i++)
inFile >> team[i].fname >> team[i].lname >> team[i].atbats >> team[i].runs
>> team[i].hits >> team[i].doubles >> team[i].triples >> team[i].hrs 
>> team[i].rbi >> team[i].sos >> team[i].avg;
cout << team[i].fname << " " << team[i].lname << " " << team[i].atbats << " " << team[i].runs
<< " " << team[i].hits << " " << team[i].doubles << " " << team[i].triples << " " << team[i].hrs 
<< " " << team[i].rbi << " " << team[i].sos << " " << team[i].avg << "\n"; 
ofstream outFile;;
if (
cout << "Failed!!!." << endl;
for (c=1; c<=5; c++)
cout << "Type a last from the offensive player list. " << endl;
getline(cin, name);
if (islower(name[0]))
for (i=0; i<100; i++)
if (team[i].lname == name)
outFile << team[i].fname << " " << team[i].lname << " " << team[i].atbats << " " << team[i].runs
<< " " << team[i].hits << " " << team[i].doubles << " " << team[i].triples << " " << team[i].hrs 
<< " " << team[i].rbi << " " << team[i].sos << " " << team[i].avg << endl;
for(i=0; i<100; i++)
outFile << team[i].fname << " " << team[i].lname << " " << team[i].atbats << " " << team[i].runs
<< " " << team[i].hits << " " << team[i].doubles << " " << team[i].triples << " " << team[i].hrs 
<< " " << team[i].rbi << " " << team[i].sos << " " << team[i].avg << endl;
cout << "Closed.";
return 42;
void bubbleSort2(players team[]) 
bool doMore;
do {
doMore = false; 
for (int i=0; i<100; i++) 
if (team[i].lname > team[i+1].lname) 
players temp = team[i];
team[i] = team[i+1]; 
team[i+1] = temp;
doMore = true; 
} while (doMore);

Please indent your code so that it's readable. And move your declaration of bubleSort2 outside of main.

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