jeanray 0 Newbie Poster

I have a small audio player in VB6.
I need to capture all possible metadata withing the SHOUTCast stream.

icy-notice1: This stream requires <A href="[URL][/URL]" target=_blank>Winamp</A> 
icy-notice2: SHOUTcast Distributed Network Audio Server/Linux v1.9.5
icy-name: - Paris Electro Spirit Live From FRANCE
icy-genre: Techno House Electronic
icy-url: <A href="[URL][/URL]" target=blank></A>
content-type: audio/mpeg
icy-pub: 1
<B>icy-metaint: 32768</B>
icy-br: 160

Has anyone managed to do this and how?
Using windowmediaplayer object, I get the stream (music), but no data

Private Sub btnplay_Click()
    wmp.URL = "[URL][/URL]"
End Sub
(and other functions)

(tinman music made in portugal)
I can use inet as well, that gives me transitions, but does not play sound and does not get the length og "chunks" (getchunks)
Any one has done it? Some code would be very helpful