omega3387 0 Newbie Poster

Well I need some help understanding some sections of code. I'm a complete newb at web development so all explanations are greatly appreciated. I am having trouble understanding how to set the attributes of an object. I have a myProject object declared in the global.asa file and then I am trying to set different things to it like strings and number. This code is from the previous developer so I;m not really familiar with it. Thank you.

'this is my global.asa file
<script language="vbscript" runat="server">

sub Application_OnStart
'some wicked code
end sub

sub Application_OnEnd
'some more wicked code
end sub

sub Session_OnStart
end sub

sub Session_OnEnd
end sub


<object id="userDB" progid="bqEVSWBuild.CSVUtil" scope="session" runat="server"></object>
<object id="csvDB" progid="bqEVSWBuild.CSVUtil" scope="session" runat="server"></object>
<object id="myProject" progid="bqEVSWBuild.currentSession" scope="session" runat="server"></object>

'this is then inside my file
<% else
'create FileUtil object
set fileUtil =Server.CreateObject("xxxx.FileUtil")
'get device #
sDeviceString = fileUtil.editIniFile(myProject.getTempFolderPath & myProject.getIniFileName, "Device", "DeviceString")
'set device number
deviceNumber = replace(Split(sDeviceString, ",")(0), "Device:", "")
'set object to nothing
set fileUtil = nothing

I have done programming in Java, but I dont know where these methods for the object are at or how they are defined. Thanks

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