Hi ,

I want to change the bottom alignment of the table according to the data inserted.At first i inserted 10 letters.After that i w'l insert 100 letters. according to that the bottom alignment have to change..
I want the code to get this..
I am new asp.net,please give the reply to my question.

Thanks and Regards,

What alignment are you talking about?

valign, align?

table, row (tr), cell (td) ?

Make whatever it is a server control by adding runat="server" and giving it an id.

After that, take the id and set whatever it is:

id.Valign = "middle"...

id.Align = "center"

If that fails, add the attribute manually:


Understand? Let me know more about what you're after. Specifics, or just the exact peice of code.

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