i want to upload videos and display like youtube.com.FLV player used there.
I want to diplay thumb of all videos in first page.If i click that thumb It wil go to next page and display videos.I am not clear in this concept because i know the concept of
<object></object> media player.I dont know like youtube.com.Please explain?

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YouTube has a custom built player, so you will need a custom built one as well.

The thing with the thumbnail is that it takes the first image from the video and turns it into a graphic. Then this graphic is resized and put on the site at runtime.

Purchase a custom built player off of a freelancer site. You can have them built for about 40-100 bucks where are you do is plug in the URL to the player on your server, and it will play the file.

k .I will try.Is there any other ideas for my requirement?

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