Anyone can show me make a secure transaction or login with SSL..

Thanks for read my thread,
Ardy Satria H

Well...first of all, it isn't PHP with SSL. It's more like Apache with SSL.

Start by doing some research. Signed certificates. Public key cryptography basics. Mod_ssl. That's an OpenSSL interface for Apache in order to use signed certificates (hence secure your transaction). You can try installing it on your own or maybe download a software bundle like wamp or xampp (I think only xampp comes with embeded ssl). Then read about signed certificates. When you're ready to get your hands dirty, google OpenSSL. That's your best option. There's a nice GUI for Windows but I can't recall right now where to find it.

There's a lot to safe transactions with SSL. Only after you have set up your https scheme, then's when you can start thinking about programming.

Come here again when you've started on your own. Plenty of people will be happy to help.

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