I'm attempting to learn by re-creating the adobe spry gallery demo in DW CS3. I can create the gallery - no problems there but I'm stuck trying to implement the thumbnail grow effect.

When I use the code from the demo - copy and paste my page appears but with errors and the thumbnails do not grow. I've included the gallery.js and the spryeffects.js but still no grow!
When I use the attributes panel and the grow and shrink effect there I can get the thumbnails to grow. However, when I do, as the grow they push the surrounding thumbnails around, making an awful mess of my page.
I have a div for the thumbnails, a div for the repeat region and then an Img, just as the demo.
My thumbnails are set to float with css, again as per the demo.
Any ideas?
Thank you

Not everybody have DW CS3. If you post the code you are talking about, somebody can figure out your problem, but from the small snippet explanation....

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