
How can is actually to adding hyperlinkcolumn in datagarid ?

I have 2 forms which are viewtopic.aspx and viewposttopic.aspx.


having <asp:hyperlinkcolumn> and datagrid.
the hyperlink that auto created supposely will navigate user to Form_B.aspx
and display informations based on category. For example, if user click Entertainment, in Form_B.aspx it should display only Entertainment information.

<asp:HyperLinkColumn DataNavigateUrlField="a_category" DataTextField="a_category" DataNavigateUrlFormatString="ViewPostTopic.aspx?a_category={0}"></asp:HyperLinkColumn>

The problem is that every hyperlink will display all information from others categories as well. How can i make if the user click Entertainment for example it will go to Form_B.aspx and display only information in Entertainment only??

Any help is appreciate.

Thank you.



How can is actually to adding hyperlinkcolumn in datagarid ?

I have 2 forms which are viewtopic.aspx and viewposttopic.aspx.


having <asp:hyperlinkcolumn> and datagrid.
the hyperlink that auto created supposely will navigate user to Form_B.aspx
and display informations based on category. For example, if user click Entertainment, in Form_B.aspx it should display only Entertainment information.

<asp:HyperLinkColumn DataNavigateUrlField="a_category" DataTextField="a_category" DataNavigateUrlFormatString="ViewPostTopic.aspx?a_category={0}"></asp:HyperLinkColumn>

The problem is that every hyperlink will display all information from others categories as well. How can i make if the user click Entertainment for example it will go to Form_B.aspx and display only information in Entertainment only??

Any help is appreciate.

Thank you.


hai ,

i think you want to use the findcontrole mode to do this , this can can done by placing the check box in gridview , the user want's to checked the check box and then click the hyperlink button , by doing this ur problem may come to solution i think so ,,,,

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