
I have been working on a php/xml/ajax chat program which requires no database for the last few days and was wondering if anyone could test it out for me. It has a few bugs that I would love to have someone help me fix (I am running out of ideas). The chat works best in Internet Explorer, I am still working on the whole browser compatibility issue.

Here is the url: http://www.banditssoftball.org/chat/

All input is greatly appreciated, whether its good or bad.

If someone is looking for a chat program like this and wants the program, I will be glad to post the code. Just let me know.



nav33n commented: Good job! +7
Ole Raptor commented: Good app +1
Shanti C commented: Good job!! +2

type a user name and click register, i was updating some parts of it so it might not of been working right

It looks nice, hard to see functioanlity when no one else is there. Nice that "Admin" tells who leaves the channel.
Maybe make it also echo *name* has joined the channel...

I would make the following change(s):
1: When a user types his/her text make it
so that either the enter key or the send
button would post the text.

2 The users area I would make it the
height as the chat window which would
auto scroll when there are enough users
in the room.

3 This is just a suggestion:
Make the users / chat screen align on
the top - bottom, then on the right side
maybe make something for smilies
since people like to use them?

commented: Thanks for the suggestions +1

great suggestions Vai, i will take them into consideration.

I use to have the whole hit enter to send the message but javascript was being a pain. everything worked perfectly in IE but in FF nothing worked right. i just took it out. (will add it though once i figure it out)

i had plans to add smilies, fonts, colors ect once the application is sound and functioning properly.

chat is closed, i am redoing the UI. and updating some bugs.

well it looks good, keep up the good work...

chat is open again, its kind of stupid to have this thread when no one can access what I am asking them to look at.

a better version is coming along and i will have it availiable for download in a few days, if someone wants it.


Looking better.
Make the text input area a little larger to loose the scroll Horizontal scroll bar(s).

when the type is displayed Have it something like:
<Nick> What they said....

ok i'll do that on my updated one. it will be done tomorrow hopefully.

chat is running again, i fixed a few problems and made the javascript more compatible with other browsers.

i would like someone to help me test this on other servers. If you would like to help let me know and I will send the application to you.

it is kicking people out

i know i closed it (this thing is starting to piss me off). i transfered folders and now i doesn't work?!?!?

i'll fix it soon.

wierd.. file structure the same?

nothing changed, expect my auto-logout feature is bugging out on me.

fixed the problem. nothing was wrong with my code. i forgot that i changed the maximum user life to 3 seconds.

i'm such an idiot.

that's crazy....
Did you ever get skype ?

i will volunteer for testing

commented: Thanks for testing the script +1

thanks professorPC

anyone else want to help?

recent update: users only can see new messages and not ones from before they log in.

Hey what is the user name i need to type there in order to login?

you can use any name

Is it working?I am not getting anything...

works perfectly for me

do we need any thing special to check this?Is that the same link which you gave in your last post?

nothing has changed. what browser are you using? maybe its a browser compatibilty problem i need to fix.

may be..Am using ie6.

i haven't tried it on that. i am using IE7.

i don't see why it wouldn't work.

commented: Good work, keep it up +8

Nice job, already works under FF
kkeith29 will provide more updates later

currently i am trying to improve my chat by making it use less system resources. I am thinking about using a cache system to help with this.

Any ideas on how I should accomplish this? I have a few but I was trying to make sure there is not a better way.



The application is good.. But there is kinda delay (?).. umm..I think the 2 second delay is taking more time than that..
One more thing..

<test3> test
<test3> test33
<test3> test445
<test3> huh
<Admin> test4 has left the chat

I got kicked out of chat but wasn't redirected to the login page. I was still in the chat window.

<test3> huh
<Admin> test4 has left the chat
<test3> test
<test3> testtttt
<> huh

there is no name in the last message. That is, It still says I am test4, but it doesn't show "test4" in the users list.. It doesn't show my name (test4) when I enter a message. Check the attachment to see what I am talking about..

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