greeny_1984 14 Posting Whiz

i have a application in which my need is to make a child checkbox enabled false on page load.When user clicks on parent checkbox ,child checkboxes become enabled true.
i have used javascript to achieve this function.
my javascript goes like this

for (i=1; i<inputs.length; i++) //if childNode type is CheckBox 
                                                      if (inputs[i].type =="checkbox")
                                                                       var chk=$get(inputs[i].id);
                                                                        if(id.checked == true)


in edit mode of the page i want the checkboxes checked by the user to be enabled.
but when iam using code to enable true.iam not able to do it.
my code in server side

chk.Attributes.Add("disabled", "false");
                                    chk.Checked = true;

but iam not achieve this.

can any one solve my problem.