pls give me the complete code for it ..i tryed but not getting the output..pls help..iam pasting the code here but no output

SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["con"].ToString());
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Response.Write("sql is connected");
        SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter("select countryid,countryname from countryname", cn);
        DataSet ds = new DataSet();
        ddlcountryname.DataSource = ds.Tables["countryname"];
        ddlcountryname.DataTextField = "countryname";
        ddlcountryname.DataValueField = "countryid";

    protected void ddlcountryname_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string country_id;
        country_id = ddlcountryname.SelectedValue.ToString();
        SqlDataAdapter da1=new SqlDataAdapter("select stateid,statename from statename where countryid=' country_id'",cn);
        DataSet ds1 = new DataSet();
        da1.Fill(ds1, "statename");
        ddlstatename.DataSource = ds1.Tables["statename"];
        ddlstatename.DataTextField = "statename";
        ddlstatename.DataValueField = "stateid";

my database is something like this...i have two tables countryname(countryid identity(1,1),countryname) and statename(stateid identity(100,1),statename,countryid)

so i have inserted 78 countries in country table in tat 73rd is india...
n i have inserted states of india in statename table(28) to get india's states wen india in selected

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Put all the code in Page load event in !IspostBack like below..

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
                  // your code here

did u set autopsotback to true for u r country dropdown .

if i keep autopostback to tru ...if i select some country say america...iam getting the first country selected ..tat is afganisthan....
i have
say if i select india afganisthan is only coming.....n i want databasee like how to insert states for country i said i have 3 fields...but i have 28 to write table...
lot of confusion

inoder to get states its compulsory that u set autopostback to true.The Reply u gave is confusing to me.
can u be eloborate .

coming to creating table



country name

table 2





when u select a country

the query for u r state would be

select state_id,state_name from table2 where country_id="+int.parse(ddlcountry.selectedvalue)+"

the query u gave me i wrote it ..u can see tat...but there is no output...
stateis statename countryid
100 Ahmedabad 1
101 guntur 2
103 -----

see these r alll same for india ..wat i shld do but country id 1 ,2 ,3

country table...
countryid countryname
1 america
2 brazil
3 india

SqlDataAdapter da1=new SqlDataAdapter("select stateid,statename from statename where countryid=' country_id'",cn); Try and fix this line cos you dont need to put the country_id within single and Double qoutations marks which u have declared and set its value to the one selected on DDL

The better sollution will be SqlDataAdapter da1=new SqlDataAdapter("select stateid,statename from statename where countryid = " + country_id ,cn);

did u declare int for countryid ,if so u r storing string in int column

try to convert string to int



did you tried doing this.. ?

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // your complete Country code here

I think this is the only thing u are missing...
bocz after the country is selected the page gets PostBack to server
and execute the Page_Load everytime.. that's the reason u are getting "Afghanistan" selected even after selecting "America" as it is getting bind everytime

thanks a lot...vizy,greeny n traicey..u made it ..thanks a ton..n thanks for replying for my so called questions

pls give me the complete code for it ..i tryed but not getting the output..pls help..iam pasting the code here but no output

SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["con"].ToString());
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Response.Write("sql is connected");
        SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter("select countryid,countryname from countryname", cn);
        DataSet ds = new DataSet();
        ddlcountryname.DataSource = ds.Tables["countryname"];
        ddlcountryname.DataTextField = "countryname";
        ddlcountryname.DataValueField = "countryid";

    protected void ddlcountryname_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string country_id;
        country_id = ddlcountryname.SelectedValue.ToString();
        SqlDataAdapter da1=new SqlDataAdapter("select stateid,statename from statename where countryid=' country_id'",cn);
        DataSet ds1 = new DataSet();
        da1.Fill(ds1, "statename");
        ddlstatename.DataSource = ds1.Tables["statename"];
        ddlstatename.DataTextField = "statename";
        ddlstatename.DataValueField = "stateid";

my database is something like this...i have two tables countryname(countryid identity(1,1),countryname) and statename(stateid identity(100,1),statename,countryid)

so i have inserted 78 countries in country table in tat 73rd is india...
n i have inserted states of india in statename table(28) to get india's states wen india in selected

I did a similar one But now sure whether this helps you.

I created a table like

tblState has:
1)State_Id(int 4,Identity Increment by 1)
2)CountryName(char 50 Allow Nulls)

3)State_Name(char 50 Allow Nulls)

The code I has is in classic asp.I am posting just to give an idea for you.Hope this helps you.

Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
connStr = "Provider=; Driver={SQL Server}; Server=sample; Database=data; DSN=login; UID=vari; PWD=ullet;"

sql = ""
sql = "select * from tblState"
Set RS = Conn.Execute(sql)
    Error_Msg = "Database Connection Failed. Please contact the systems administrator."
	do until RS.EOF
		region = RS.Fields("CountryName")
		commid = cdbl(RS.Fields("State_Id"))
		comm = RS.Fields("State_Name")
		if region = region_form then
			comm_options = comm_options & "<option value=" & commid & " selected>" & trim(comm) & "</option>"
			comm_options = comm_options & "<option value=" & commid & ">" & trim(comm) & "</option>"
		end if	
End If

If you need more briefly let me know i can help you


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