Hi Everyone,

I have made one google checkout payment gateway integration in PHP in a shopping cart. But with which user id or merchant id i am using in that integration . when i am going to login with that google id . I am getting some error message there.

I know this is very typical problem. But i want to know just why this is showing this error.

I am sending whole error message which i am getting there after login:

Integration Issue Detail
Related order: 518951456927790
Time of occurrence: 19 Apr 2009 20:20:02 GMT+01:00
Error: We encountered an error trying to access your server at https://www.mysite.com/pay_success.php -- the error we got is javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: Remote host closed connection during handshake

Actually i am not understanding why and i am facing such error. How i can resolve it and what change i will have to do in my google checkout code....

I am sending my google checkout code .

<form action="https://checkout.google.com/api/checkout/v2/checkoutForm/Merchant/merchant-id" id="BB_BuyButtonForm" method="post" name="BB_BuyButtonForm">
    <input name="item_name_1" type="hidden" value="<? echo $product_name;?>"/>
    <input name="item_description_1" type="hidden" value="<?=$_SESSION['session_order_no']?>"/>
    <input name="item_quantity_1" type="hidden" value="1"/>
	<?php if(empty($coupon_no) || empty($grandtotal_dis)){ ?>
    <input name="item_price_1" type="hidden" value="<? echo number_format($grandtotal_add,2);?>"/>
	<? }  else { ?>
	<input name="item_price_1" type="hidden" value="<? echo number_format($grandtotal_dis,2);?>"/>
	<? } ?>
	<input type="hidden" name="return" value="http://www.mysite.com/pay_success.php?usr_id=<?php  
$usr_id; ?>&order_no=<?php echo  $_SESSION['session_order_no']?>">
    <input name="item_currency_1" type="hidden" value="GBP"/>
    <input name="_charset_" type="hidden" value="utf-8"/>
    <input alt="" name="google" src="https://checkout.google.com/buttons/buy.gif?merchant_id=34632658&amp;w=117&amp;h=48&amp;style=white&amp;variant=text&amp;loc=en_US"  type="image"/>

If Google Checkout works like PayPal and if the name of the module is any indication, then pay_success.php is the module you need to be looking at. This presumably receives the payment confirmation from Google and their specs for the facility should tell you what this module needs to do.


Still the problem is same i am facing--------As i already post in last thread code of google chekout page in php which i am using in my shopping cart:

i am facing error in after logging in google chekout account which i have made for my shopping part . But i am facing in tools menu and integration console this type of error:

Integration Issue Detail
Related order: 518951456927790
Time of occurrence: 27 Apr 2009 04:03:34 GMT+01:00
Error: We encountered an error trying to access your server at https://www.rydergifts.co.uk/pay_success.php -- the error we got is javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: Remote host closed connection during handshake

If there is any URL of google checkout payment gateway infomation or any docs for this. please forward me that link .
So i can resolve this problem.


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