hi to all. i have two radio buttons with one name. and also have one text area box. Depending on first radio button is chosen It will allow 2 entries(Enter key words Separate by comers) per line, and at the same second radio button chosen it will allow 4 entries(Enter key words Separate by comers per line). how to do. give an idea.

Here's a good example in a forum (you'll need to scroll to the bottom - it's a long thread!): http://www.codingforums.com/archive/index.php/t-71233.html

k. that code is working fine. but in that text area each line may or maynot have 2comers(,) but not have more than two comers(,). how to do?

k. that code is working fine. but in that text area each line may or maynot have 2comers(,) but not have more than two comers(,). how to do?

i mean each line have 3 keywords. no need to count letters per line. but each keyword separated by commas. forexample: abc is one keyword. so we are entering like this " abc,abc,abc". there is no need to count no.of characters per line. and also textarea allow to maximum four lines and each line have 3 keywords. i tried a lot....but i didnt found solution for this.

my requirement is
textarea have 3 keywords. no need to count letters per line. but each keyword separated by commas. forexample: abc is one keyword, defgh is another keyword, kalpana is another keyword. so we are entering like this " abc,defgh,kalpana". there is no need to count no.of characters per line. why b'coz we dont have length of the keywords. each textarea must contain 3keywords seperated by commas. for this 3 keywords sepparated by only 2 commas. so we count only commas. i think u understood.

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