
i am getting problem with this regex....what is the exact format of this pattern only 000-000-0000. exact this pattern only not other U.S phone number format. why because i am using below javascript for this validation.

alert("Please Enter The Phone Number")
return false;

var pattern = /^\(?\d{3}[\)-\.]?\d{3}[-\.]?\d{4}$/;

if(window.document.UserDetails.phone.value!= "")
		 	var eres=window.document.UserDetails.phone.value.search(pattern);
			if(eres == -1)
				alert("Enter Valid Phoneno i.e 000-000-0000 format");
				return false;

in this this number also validating correctly.
ex: 1234567890
these all are validating. but i want regex for only 000-000-0000 this format. how to change format please help me

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Can you post what was the solution?

var pattern = /^\d\d\d\-\d\d\d-\d\d\d\d$/;
if(window.document.formx.phone.value!= "")
		 	var eres=window.document.formx.phone.value.search(pattern);
			if(eres == -1)
				alert("Enter Valid Phoneno i.e 000-000-0000 format");
				return false;
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