riya_developer 0 Newbie Poster

My project is on MVC...
In WidgetController.cs my method is :

        public ActionResult GetAllWidgets()
                ViewData["WidgetErrMsg"] = "";
                using (ISurveyDataRepository<Survey.Lib.Models.Widget> objWidget = new SurveyDataRepository<Survey.Lib.Models.Widget>())
                    return PartialView("GetAllWidgets", objWidget.GetAll().ToList().OrderBy(x => x.RowNumber));
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (Logger.IsLoggingEnabled())
                    Logger.Write(ex, "GetAllWidgets");
                ExceptionPolicy.HandleException(ex, "ExceptionLogPolicy");
                return View("Error");               

and I want to unit test a method...
So in WidgetControllerTsst.cs what code I should write to unit test this method?