value is Tourism & Hotels


if i call that catagory to another page

$category = $_GET['catagory'];

and in second page i displayed that value

echo $category;

but this showing only Tourism and the remaining words r gone.i want to display Tourism & Hotels with special char

You should escape an & with & or you can try urlencode()

is it correct

echo encode($category);

i used this one but its not working

What does encode do?

oh sry that is urlencode() only

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If you encode it, remember to encode your values before building the querystring. If you try to urlencode after building the complete querystring, you'll end up encoding the '&' querystring-pair separator and the '=' too.

If the category is "Tourism & Hotels"

then encode, e.g.

$raw = "Tourism & Hotels";
$enc = urlencode($raw);

$url = '?category=' . $enc . '&maincateg=' . $enc;


<a href="<?php echo $url;?>"><?php echo $raw;?></a>

So, test something like this...

    echo "<pre>";
    echo "</pre>";

$raw = "Tourism & Hotels";
$enc = urlencode($raw);

$url = '?category=' . $enc . '&maincateg=' . $enc;

<meta charset="utf-8">
<a href="<?php echo $url;?>"><?php echo $raw;?></a>

Not sure if that's what you want though.

Thanks its working

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