I have just put together a personal site and am trying to integrate a php guestbook. I obtained a free guestbook, called easyboard and have followed the instructions asto the installation but the html page that I've incorprated the board isn't actually working it displays all the deperate parts that would normally come upon completion of an action.

I have posted all the files as txt files so that you can atleast read the coding that I have downloaded and also edited. The links for these are

The main html page

The script pages

If you know what is going wrong please help as I really would like to get this up and running asap



Here is the scripts so you do not need to download them

Main PHP page which is linked to in my site

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en">

  <title>DaveClissold.com - Changing my life one day at a time</title>
  <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
  <meta name="keywords" content="" />
  <meta name="author" content="Will Rossiter" />
  <style type="text/css" media="screen">
	@import url(../images/styles.css);
.style18 {color: #CCCCCC; font-size: 12px; font-family: Verdana; }
  .style19 {color: #FFFFFF}
  .style20 {font-family: Verdana}
  .style21 {color: #FF0000}

<!--RiteCounter--><script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.ritecounter.com/c/52/51905.js"></script><noscript><div><a href="http://logodesign.ritecounter.com"><img src="http://www.ritecounter.com/scripts/htmlc.php?id=51905" alt="Online Logo Design" style="border:0 hidden"/></a></div></noscript><!--END RiteCounter-->
<div id="container">

<div id="leftcol">

<h1><img src="/images/davelogo12.jpg" alt="" width="200" height="80" /></h1>
<p class="sub">Changing my life one day at a time <a href="http://www.willr.co.nz"></a></p>

<li><a href="/index.html"><span class="style18"><img src="/images/bullet.jpg" alt="bullet" width="11" height="11" /></span> Home</a></li>
<li><a href="/diary/diarymain.html"><span class="style19"><img src="/images/bullet.jpg" alt="bullet" width="11" height="11" /></span> Diary</a></li>
<li><a href="/recipes.html"><span class="style19"><img src="/images/bullet.jpg" alt="bullet" width="11" height="11" /></span> Recipes</a></li>
<li><a href="/photos.html"><span class="style19"><img src="/images/bullet.jpg" alt="bullet" width="11" height="11" /></span> Photos</a></li>
<li><a href="/links.html"><span class="style19"><img src="/images/bullet.jpg" alt="bullet" width="11" height="11" /></span> Links</a></li>
<li><a href="mailto:dave@daveclissold.com"><span class="style19"><img src="/images/bullet.jpg" alt="bullet" width="11" height="11" /></span> Contact</a></li>

<div id="rightcol">

    <div align="left">
	Switches, if these get deleted, easyboard will not have the functionality 
	they represent.

	spamprotect adds a _nospam_ to each email to avoid bots to scan your page
	for spamming

	increase:x defines how many guestbook entries will be displayed at a time 
	and enables the display of back / next links

	owner:email defines the owner of the guestbook, each entry will be sent 
	there as a copy
      <!-- spamprotect -->
      <!-- increase:10 -->
      <!-- owner:dave.clissold@gmail.com -->
      <!-- ### The welcome message ### -->
      <!-- start:item -->
  <p align="left">  
  <h4 align="left"><strong>%Name%</strong> email:<a href="mailto:%email%?body=Please remove the _nospam_ in the email" class="content">%email% wrote on %entrydate%</h4>
    <p align="left">%message%</p>
  <p align="left">
    <div align="left"><br />
      <!-- end:item -->
  <div align="right">
      <!-- start:back -->
      <h2 class="style18"><a href="../backurl" class="content">&lt; previous  </a>
        <!-- end:back --><!-- start:next --><a href="../nexturl" class="content">next &gt;</a></h2>
	    <h2 class="style18"><a href="..//board/easyboard.php?action=sign" class="content">Sign Guestbook</a></h2></p>
  <!-- ### The message displayed when someone tries to spam the book by reloading ### -->
  <!-- start:spam -->
    <div class="warning">
      <p class="style21">Please do NOT spam this guestbook, thank you!</p>
  <br />
  <div align="right">
    <p><h2 class="style18"><a href="..//board/easyboard.php?action=view" class="content">View Guestbook</a></h2></p>
    <!-- end:spam -->
  <!-- ### The message displayed when someone forgot to enter a field ### -->
  <!-- ### the "field" comment  will get replaced with the missing field names ### -->
  <!-- start:forgottenfields -->
  <div class="warning">
    <p>Sorry you forgot to enter the following fields:
      <!-- fields -->
      Please re-enter them.</p>
  <p><br />
      <!-- end:forgottenfields -->
      <!-- ### The message displayed when the entered email is invalid ### -->
      <!-- start:invalidemail -->
  <div class="warning">
    <p>The email you entered was not valid</p>
  <p><br />
      <!-- end:invalidemail -->
      <!-- ### The message displayed when someone succesfully signed the guestbook ### -->
      <!-- start:thanks -->
  <div class="thanks">
    <p>Thank you for your support in my quest for completing this challenge and turning my life around.</p>
  <br />
  <div><h2 class="style18" align="right"><a href="..//board/easyboard.php?action=view" class="content">View Guestbook</a></h2></div>
  <!-- end:thanks -->
  <!-- ### The entry form, each input element will be added as data ### -->
  <!-- ### See the easyboard homepage for more info! ### -->
  <!-- start:form -->
  <form method="post">
  <table border="0">
    <td class="content" width="10%"><p>Name:*</p></td>
	  <td><input type="text" name="Name" size="20" class="input" value="%Name%" /></td>
    <td class="content" width="10%"><p>Email:*</p></td>
	  <td><input type="text" name="email" size="20" class="input" value="%email%" /></td>
    <td class="content" width="10%"><p>Website</p></td>
	  <td><input type="text" name="url" size="20" class="input" value="%url%" /></td>
    <td class="content" colspan="2"><p>Your Message:*</p></td>
    <td colspan="2"><textarea name="message" cols="40" rows="5" class="input" >%message%</textarea></td>
    <td colspan="2" align="center">
  <!-- ### these two fields are mandatory ### -->
  <input type="submit" value="Add to Guestbook"/></td>
  <br />
  <div align="right">
    <p><h2 class="style18"><a href="..//board/easyboard.php?action=view" class="content style19 style20">View Guestbook</a></h2></p>
  <!-- end:form -->
  <!-- ### The display of the book ### -->
  <!-- start:item -->
  <div class="gbhead"><br />
  <p><h4><strong>%Name%</strong> email:<a href="mailto:%email%?body=Please remove the _nospam_ in the email" class="content">%email% wrote on %entrydate%</h4>
  <br />
  <!-- end:item -->
  <div align="right">
      <!-- start:back -->
      <h2 class="style18"><a href="../backurl" class="content">&lt; previous  </a>
        <!-- end:back --><!-- start:next --><a href="../nexturl" class="content">next &gt;</a></h2>
	    <h2 class="style18"><a href="..//board/easyboard.php?action=sign" class="content">Sign Guestbook</a></h2></p>
<!-- end:display -->  
  <p align="right"> Copyright © 2007, Dave Clissold.  All rights reserved</p>

<!-- Stats Script Start -->
<script type="text/javascript">
var FCS_Account="891";
var FCS_Server="http://www.statsrely.com/newdesign";
var FCS_Page="DetectName";
var FCS_Url="DetectUrl";
var FCS_Offset="8";
var FCS_Interval="24";
var FCS_Cntimg="100";
// -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.statsrely.com//js.php?usr=891">
<a href="http://www.statsrely.com/" target="_blank">
<img src="http://www.statsrely.com/newdesign/stat.php?usr=891&offset=8&interval=24&cntimg=100" title="Stats Rely Free Hit Counter!"></a>
<!-- Stats Script  End  -->

This is the php script that I downloaded as part of the zip file

	Easyboard Version 3.4
	written by Christian Heilmann

	Do not change any code here, the whole functionality is triggered by 
	comments in the HTML Template!
	requires entries.xml and guestbook_template.html to work.

if ($_POST['action']!="") {$action=$_POST['action'];}


preg_match("/<!-- dateformat:(.*?) -->/",$HTML,$dateformat);
if($dateformat[1]==""){$dateformat = "M d Y H:i:s";}
else {$dateformat = $dateformat[1];}

if ($action==''){
	echo displaysetup("invalidemail,forgottenfields,thanks,form,display,spam");

if ($action=="view"){
	if (untag($gb,"entry",1)!=""){
	preg_match_all("/<!-- start:item -->(.*?)<!-- end:item -->/si",$HTML,$item);	
	preg_match("/<!-- increase:(.*?) -->/si",$HTML,$inc);	
	if ($inc[1]==""){$increase=sizeof($entries);}
	if ($start >= $increase){
	preg_match_all("/<!-- start:back -->(.*?)<!-- end:back -->/si",$HTML,$back);	
	$HTML=preg_replace("/<!-- start:back -->(.*?)<!-- end:back -->/si",$back,$HTML);	
	else {$HTML=preg_replace("/<!-- start:back -->(.*?)<!-- end:back -->/si","",$HTML);}
	if ($end < sizeof($entries)){
	preg_match_all("/<!-- start:next -->(.*?)<!-- end:next -->/si",$HTML,$back);	
	$HTML=preg_replace("/<!-- start:next -->(.*?)<!-- end:next -->/si",$back,$HTML);	
	else {$HTML=preg_replace("/<!-- start:next -->(.*?)<!-- end:next -->/si","",$HTML);}
	foreach ($disp as $e){
		foreach ($vars[1] as $v){
		if (preg_match("/<!-- spamprotect -->/si",$HTML)){$ditem=preg_replace("/@/si","@_nospam_",$ditem);}
		$htmlinclude.= $ditem;
	$HTML=preg_replace("/<!-- start:item -->.*?<!-- end:item -->/si",$htmlinclude,$HTML);	
	else {
	echo $HTML;
if ($action=="sign"){
	echo $HTML;
if ($action=="verify"){
	for ($i=0;$i<count($_POST);$i++){
	foreach ($req as $r){
		if ($_POST[$r]==""){
                              ZZZzz    |\      _,,,---,,_
Sometimes when I look at the       z   /,`.-'`'    -.  ;-;;,_.
amount of work on my schedule       zz|,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'
I wish that I was born a cat         '---''(_/--'  `-'\_)     

	if ($errorfields[0]!=""){
		foreach ($errorfields as $e){$inc.="<li>$e</li>";}
		$HTML=preg_replace("/<!-- fields -->/si",$inc,$HTML);
	else {$HTML=displaysetup("forgottenfields");}
	if (checkmail($_POST['email'])){$HTML=displaysetup("invalidemail");}
	if (checkmail($_POST['email']) and $errorfields[0]==""){
		if ($id==1 and $allentries[0]==""){$id=1;}
		else {$id++;}
		$data.="\n\t<entrydate>".date ($dateformat)."</entrydate>";
		$mail.="New Entry id:$id\nDate:".date ($dateformat)."\n";
		for ($i=0;$i<count($_POST);$i++){
			if ($keys[$i]!="required" and $keys[$i]!="action"){
		if(preg_replace($preg,"",$data) == preg_replace($preg,"",$allentries[count($allentries)-1])){$HTML=displaysetup("thanks,form");}
		else{save ("easyboard_entries.xml",preg_replace("/<\/guestbook>/","".$data."\n</guestbook>",$gb));
			if (preg_match("/<!-- owner:.*? -->/si",$HTML)){
				preg_match_all("/<!-- owner:(.*?) -->/si",$HTML,$owner);
				$mailheaders = "From: Easyboard\n";
				$mailheaders .= "Reply-To: $email\n";
				mail ($owner[1][0],"New entry in the Guestbook!",$mail,$mailheaders);
	if (!checkmail($_POST['email'])){$HTML=displaysetup("spam,thanks");}
	echo preg_replace("/<!--.*?-->/","",$HTML);

function displaysetup($fields){
	global $HTML;
	foreach ($fields as $f){
		$HTML=preg_replace("/<!-- start:".$f." -->.*?<!-- end:".$f." -->/si","",$HTML);
	return $HTML;

	Function urlize($name)
	checks if the submitted string is a valid email and returns a boolean
function checkmail($string){
	global $HTML;
	if (preg_match("/<!-- nomailcheck -->/",$HTML)){return true;}
	return preg_match("/^[^\s()<>@,;:\"\/\[\]?=]+@\w[\w-]*(\.\w[\w-]*)*\.[a-z]{2,}$/i",$string);

	Function urlize($name)
	converts an item name into a url na,e
function urlize($name){
	return strtolower(preg_replace("/[^\w\.]/","",$name));

	Function load($file)
	reads the content of the file that you send and returns it
function load($filelocation){
	if (file_exists($filelocation)){
		$newfile = fopen($filelocation,"r");
		$file_content = fread($newfile, filesize($filelocation));
		return $file_content;

	Function save($file,$content)
	writes the content to the file and generates it if needed
function save($filelocation,$newdatas){
	$newfile = @fopen($filelocation,"w+");
	@fwrite($newfile, $newdatas);
	else {$fileerror=1;}
	return $fileerror;

	Function untag($string,$tag,mode){
	written by Chris Heilmann (info@_nospam_onlinetools.org)
	filters the content of tag $tag from $string 
	when mode is 1 the content gets returned as an array
	otherwise as a string
function untag($string,$tag,$mode){
	foreach ($tags[1] as $tmpcont){
		if ($mode==1){$tmpval[]=$tmpcont;}
		else {$tmpval.=$tmpcont;}
	return $tmpval;


Here is the admin php script

	Admin for Easyboard 
	written by Christian Heilmann
if ($_POST['edited']=="change"){
	$gb="<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n";
	if($entries[0]!=''){foreach ($entries as $k=>$e){
		if (untag($e,"entryid",0)!=$id){
		else {
			for ($i=0;$i<count($_POST);$i++){
				if ($keys[$i]!="edited"){
					$gb.= "\n\t<".$keys[$i].'>'.$_POST[$keys[$i]].'</'.$keys[$i].'>';
if ($action=="del"){
	$gb="<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n";
	if($entries[0]!=''){foreach ($entries as $e){
		if (untag($e,"entryid",0)!=$id){
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
	<title>Easyboard admin</title>
<style type="text/css">
	body {
		font-family:verdana,sans serif;
	td {
		font-family:verdana,sans serif;
	.entry {
		border-left:1px solid #333333;
		border-right:1px solid #333333;
		border-bottom:1px solid #333333;
		font-family:verdana,sans serif;
	.del {
		border-top:1px solid #333333;
		border-left:1px solid #333333;
		border-right:1px solid #333333;
		border-bottom:1px solid #333333;
		font-family:verdana,sans serif;
		font-family:verdana,sans serif;

if (!$action or $action!="del" and $action!="edit"){
	echo "<html><head><meta http-equiv=\"expires\" content=\"Fri, 5 Apr 1996 23:59:59 GMT\"></head><body>This is the admin part of easyboard, simply click the delete links to delete or edit to edit the entry.<br><br>";
	if($entries[0]!=''){foreach ($entries as $e){
		echo "<div class=\"del\"><a href=\"$self?action=del&id=".untag($e,"entryid",0)."\">delete</a>|<a href=\"$self?action=edit&id=".untag($e,"entryid",0)."\">edit</a></div>";
		echo "<div class=\"entry\">";
		foreach ($item[1] as $f=>$i){
			if ($i != "entryid"){echo "<strong>".$item[1][$f]."</strong>: ".nl2br($item[2][$f])."<br>";}
		echo "</div><br>";
if ($action=="edit"){
	if($entries[0]!=''){foreach ($entries as $k=>$e){
		if (untag($e,"entryid",0)==$id){
			echo '<form method="post" action="'.$self.'">';
			echo '<input name="entryid" type="hidden" value="'.untag($e,"entryid",0).'">';
			echo '<input name="entrydate" type="hidden" value="'.untag($e,"entrydate",0).'">';
			echo '<table border="0"><tr><td colspan="2">Please edit the entry:</td></tr>';
			foreach ($item[1] as $f=>$i){
				if ($i != "entryid" and $i!="entrydate"){
				echo '<tr>';
				echo '<td valign="top">'.$item[1][$f].'</td><td>';
				if (strlen($item[2][$f]) < 50){ 
					echo '<input type="text" name="'.$item[1][$f].'" value="'.$item[2][$f].'">';
				else {
					echo '<textarea cols="60" rows="6" name="'.$item[1][$f].'">'.$item[2][$f].'</textarea>';
				echo '</td></tr>';
			echo '<tr><td colspan="2" align="right"><input type="submit" value="change" name="edited">';
			echo '</td></tr></table>';
			echo '</form>';

	Function load($file)
	reads the content of the file that you send and returns it
function load($filelocation){
	if (file_exists($filelocation)){
		$newfile = fopen($filelocation,"r");
		$file_content = fread($newfile, filesize($filelocation));
		return $file_content;

	Function save($file,$content)
	writes the content to the file and generates it if needed
function save($filelocation,$newdatas){
	$newfile = @fopen($filelocation,"w+");
	@fwrite($newfile, $newdatas);
	else {$fileerror=1;}
	return $fileerror;

	Function untag($string,$tag,mode){
	written by Chris Heilmann (info@_nospam_onlinetools.org)
	filters the content of tag $tag from $string 
	when mode is 1 the content gets returned as an array
	otherwise as a string
function untag($string,$tag,$mode){
	foreach ($tags[1] as $tmpcont){
		if ($mode==1){$tmpval[]=$tmpcont;}
		else {$tmpval.=$tmpcont;}
	return $tmpval;


I know its a lot but its I'm probably missing out on something very basic which not knowing PHP I will pick up on very quickly.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Edit the following line:


so that it says:


Then point your browser at easyboard.php.

ok have done this now the page follows certain actions, but won't display any of the messages posted and doesn't revert to the main gusetbook page after it has been signed

yeah, its working fine for me, i just lodged a message

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