I know what CMS stands for, but what does it really do? I mean, I don't quite get what is happening when I see someone's CMS.

Can anyone break it down to me. Thanks.

Preferred code conversion date to AD Hijra only the language of Java Script

function formatTimestamp($time) { 
    global $datetime, $locale; 
    ereg ("([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{1,2})-([0-9]{1,2}) ([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2})", $time, $datetime); 
    $time = mktime($datetime[4],$datetime[5],$datetime[6],$datetime[2],$datetime[3],$datetime[1]); 
    // COPYRIGHT 2002 BY Ahmed-Samara www.daniweb.com/forums/member173926.html // 
    if ($HDays>29.531188 and round($HDays)!=30){ 
    // COPYRIGHT 2002 BY Ahmed-Samara www.daniweb.com/forums/member173926.html // 
    if ($HMonths>12) { 
        $HYear = $HYear+1; 

    $datetime = "$HDays-$HMonths-$HYear åÜ"; 

But the problem in line code PHP, in directional mkTime did not get Vankhn reservists in the asp. Even Get the appropriate number ...

function formatTimestamp(xtime) 
   ' global $datetime, $locale; 
    'ereg ("([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{1,2})-([0-9]{1,2}) ([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2})", $time, $datetime); 
    '$time = mktime($datetime[4],$datetime[5],$datetime[6],$datetime[2],$datetime[3],$datetime[1]); 
    '// COPYRIGHT 2002 BY Ahmed-Samara www.daniweb.com/forums/member173926.html // 
    if (HDays>29.531188 and round(HDays)<>30) then
    end if
    '// COPYRIGHT 2002 BY Ahmed-Samara www.daniweb.com/forums/member173926.html // 
    if (HMonths>12)  then
        HYear = HYear+1 
    end if

    datetime = HDays & "-" & HMonths & "-" & HYear & " &aring;&Uuml;"
end function

But the problem in line code PHP, in directional mkTime did not get Vankhn reservists in the asp. Even Get the appropriate number ...

What ?

Ignore that last post.

A CMS is an easy way to put information on a website

e.g if it was a news website you dont want to have to make a whole page every time you want to add an article so you use a content management system. A CMS has a database where the content is stored, and it is entered through a nice user interface.

Ok, so what you're saying is it like a 'template' if you will, to control this? Am I understanding you correctly?

Its a dynamic site. A CMS is kind of like daniweb in a way, in that each thread is not a seperate pag but one page where the content is loaded from a database.

Ok, great. Got it.

I should try one to see how it works.

a popular PHP / Mysql Based CMS is Joomla

Ok, will check that out.

Can I add now: explain what/how RSS feeds work? Don't quite get that one either. OF shall I start a new thread?

RSS allow users to 'subscribe' to your site. Basically, if you create an RSS feed for your site, I can go to your site, click on the RSS link, and add it to Google Reader or some other feed reader and then I don't have to come back to your site to check and see if it has been updated. You can update the rss file, which will show up in Google Reader, and then I know that there is something new and I can go to your site to check it out.

I'm probably not explaining this very well, but here is a link to wikipedia, which has a lot of info on the subject.


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