Hi guys....I want to make a simple game using openGL

Should I go for GLUT or MFC...don't know anything about any of these....
please refer me to some ebooks on net or tutorials (not very advanced please)

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You can use SDL and OpenGL, as they are both cross platform.

There is no such thing as "simple" game using OpenGL, since that automatically implies NeHe and C++. NeHe is notorious for PureC (read non-C++) style that will plague you even years after you are done with first lessons.

These days, if you start with 3d graphics, and you don`t start with XNA and C#, it`s just a pure time-loss and punishment.

Then again, it`s your life, so it`s up to you how much you want to screw it, but if I were you, I`d forget there ever was such a thing as NeHe and OpenGL and just went for the XNA/C# combo.

You have no idea how much time you`ll save by not having to debug through weird memory pointer crashes (that will happen no matter what, if you are just starting).
Of course, that`s assuming you`ll be so lucky to even get a crash, which most of the time you of course won`

Decent reply, wtf (although a littler holier than thou), but notice that you're replying to a thread that's almost 5 years old and to a user that hasn't been around for over a year =)

Most of the community is kind of rabid about resurrecting & replying to dead threads. Just a heads up.

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