49,762 Topics

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Member Avatar for kes166

Good Evening, I'm working on my final project and I'm having an issue with reading input from a file and converting the string into an integer - specifically with the first character being read from the file. Here is the data in the .txt file created in notepad: 6 -1 …

Member Avatar for kes166
Member Avatar for iamsibi

I had a problem with my turbo C++ which would close itself after every execution.(Not the getch problem) After somehow solving this fault and the full screen problem, I tried out a program to check if my C++ is fine. Everything is fine except for the Output screen which seems …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for Kang_1
Member Avatar for kes166

Good Evening, I'm working on a program that will allow user input and will take that input, insert it into blank spots into an email template, and then prepopulate the email template in Outlook so all an analyst would need to do is click a the send button - basically …

Member Avatar for kes166
Member Avatar for mustefa_1

write c++ programming that calculate electricity bill with persons name and id

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Blank_1

Hello, I'm trying to create a character array that would find the absolute value of each value. Ex. Candadite: 111111 / Target: 444444. abs(1-4)(1-4)(1-4)(1-4)(1-4)(1-4) answer: 333333. I have the code running, but I get a consistant answer of 700, even when I move to a new Target set. If anyone …

Member Avatar for kes166
Member Avatar for robertslots

I installed OpenCV on my older Ubuntu machine [](https://onlineslotscasinoz.com/) today. Now I wanted to try this library once. That's why I wanted to try the following code: #include <stdio.h> #include <opencv2/opencv.hpp> using namespace cv; int main(int argc, char** argv ) { if ( argc != 2 ) { printf("usage: DisplayImage.out …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for ryantroop

Hi all, So before I went and posted ~800 lines of code, I have 2 questions: 1: What is the preferred way for us to post "complex" C++ (of course, this is just a .h, .cpp, and main cpp but it's still a lot of lines) that wont just be …

Member Avatar for ryantroop
Member Avatar for Gunjan_5

# An orders class def __init__(self, order): # Initialise self.ID = order.order_id self.kits = [] kit = {} for x in order.kits: # Add kit kit['Type'] = x.kit_type kit['Objects'] = x.objects self.kits.append(kit)

Member Avatar for tensity

This is the first program for a class that I am taking. I am having trouble creating the classes. We were only taught briefly on the subject and then told to complete this project. I guess my first question is how should I set my class "deck" and "card" up? …

Member Avatar for Hunter_2
Member Avatar for Marcus_5

Hello dear forum members, I am brand new in C programming and have to program an "X" as homework[ ](https://domywriting.com/) (see attached picture). The edge length of the "X's" should be entered by the user, ie the "X" should be arbitrarily large or small. Can someone help me with the …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Henry_21

My name is Henry and am new here. I travelled a lot to reach here looking for a project and or coding for web based online church management with employee online in and out record and monitor.

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for ryantroop

Is it possible to know which connection sent data wiht recv()? Current setup is - Main Thread spins and waits - Thread 1 - do stuff unimportant to socket - Thread 2 - accept() -> keep linked list of accetpted sockets - Thread 3 - recv() -> can I know …

Member Avatar for ryantroop
Member Avatar for tina.2826
Member Avatar for Shubham_12
Member Avatar for Varun_14

I bought new esp8266 WiFi module ....if I run example program blink its working but if I upload Wi-Fi http client program I am getting some strange output in serial monitor like ???!°^∆ I thing some encoding problem pls help me out

Member Avatar for Varun_14
Member Avatar for esedee

Hi.. Am actually trying to write my final year project on how to use Android phone as remote control for pc.. Pls can anybody put me through on what to do and how to start it because am a newbie trying to build an android app.. Thanks

Member Avatar for Mridula_1
Member Avatar for mahdi2592

I have three objects in a class (channelManager) that i need to call in my main class in order to output a message but i can't seem to know how since i'm not a c++ expert. I think my porblem is that i don't really understand the arguments of these …

Member Avatar for ravenous
Member Avatar for James19142

Inside of a class template having parameter `typename T` the compiler generates an error concerning 2 functions. `T` does not seem to be recongnized as the template class parameter it was declared as. template <class Return, class ...Args> void executeOnAll(Return (T::*function) (Args &&...), Args &&...args) { for(T &s : *this) …

Member Avatar for James19142
Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for Cristi_1

So i made this bank account, i would like to display the total intrest and total balance i have been struggaling with it as i am a beginner to c++ If somebody could be able to help me simplify the code and add the totals would be great this is …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for whitejag

I bought a web site a few months ago thinking that I could go to a community tech school. I have not found the classes that I need. So I don't know how to build it. Help?

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for super-duper

Hey, what's up guys, Can anyone explain what ADT is? How do you know when you are using it? When? Why? I mean, in a simpler way than some books define it. P.S. I am not even sure if my questions are valid :D Thanks!

Member Avatar for rucha_1
Member Avatar for Waleed_4

I have to create a program that asks a person to enter numbers (1-99) and convert it into words. I've been working on this for days and I still don't see what I'm doing wrong! PLEASE HELP ME!!! I get an error on all the case numbers and I dont …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Mady_1

``//this program show the implementation of a sigle class #include<iostream> #include<conio.h> using namespace std; class Example //class is reserved keyword and "Example is the name of class { public: int first_value; int second_value; //these are data member of class with "public access modfire" void setValue(int f,int s) //here i used …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for hello__1

Hi can anyone help me fix my code, i keep on getting erros and option 4 for my main menu will not work. Problem asks: Write a program that can be used by a small theater to sell tickets for performances. The theater’s auditorium has 15 rows of seats, with …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Anshika_1

my c++ code is giving error syntax declaration int hang(void) { const int maxl=80; const int maxt=5; int lfill (char,char[],char[]); void unitunknown (char[],char[]); int m2(void); int m2 () { \\the syntax declaration is here char unknown [maxl]; char letter; int nwrong=0; char word[maxl]; char words[][maxl]= { "india", "pakistan", "australia" , …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for Abenezer_1
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Addison111

LoadLibray returns 0 when I'm trying to load a dll file. I'm using Visual Studio 2017 #include "App.h" #include <windows.h> #include <iostream> using namespace std; typedef int(__stdcall *f_funci)(unsigned char, unsigned int); int main(int argc, char **argv) { SetDllDirectory((LPCWSTR)L"C:\\xmrig-master\\build\\Debug"); HINSTANCE hGetProcIDDLL = LoadLibrary(L"asm.dll"); if (!hGetProcIDDLL) { cout << "could not load …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for i dont know

Hello all, i need your help regaring this code, which is in python and i need to convert it into mips?? register $s0 holds the base address of list my_data, $s1 holds the length of the list my_data, register $s2 holds the base address of list my_data2 and $s3 holds …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for jalanderful

Hello, I am supposed to write a code in MIPS to do the following below. Basically, you enter an integer, and it should check to see if it is a palindrome, and if not it will output the number, and keep adding the numer backwards to it, outputting it, and …

Member Avatar for Farah_3

The End.