153 Topics

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My sms gateway save message data in log(MSSQL) in Hex code, like this: 0046003A0062006F006B0040007700650062006D0065006400690061002E0070006C These are Unicode message (16 bits per characters) Each 4 characters is AsciiHex representation of a character (in hex): For example: “0046” = 46hex = ‘F’ “003A” = 3Ahex = ‘:’ how can I convert this …

Member Avatar for webmedia
Member Avatar for ShEeRMiLiTaNt

Hello, I need help with something. I need to write a program that goes into a text file and searches the characters one by one until it finds a group of them that I need, to store into another character array. The group of characters is "7 people who...will fail! …

Member Avatar for dsmith12

Ok in this code the user has to type in their first and last name together otherwise it is invalid. I know I have to use some sort of java.lang.character but i do not know how to write it up. I know that it needs to be a part of …

Member Avatar for StephNicolaou
Member Avatar for Sturdy

Hi all, How can i validate a text in text box? I need to check that text length is 7 and first four characters is contain "ABCD" and last three characters must contain numbers. e.g : ABCD123 Thank you.

Member Avatar for Sturdy
Member Avatar for dbsp

I've read many threads on how to remove a new line character '\n' using fgets()-- however, how would one go about removing a new line character simply by using getchar() ?

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for hokeysmoke

I have a question...I'm trying to get text out of a website containing Spanish characters (like ñ or á) using urllib2 (and with #-*- coding: latin-1 -*- near the beginning of the Python file). However, when I write the output of the text to a file, I get something else--for …

Member Avatar for hokeysmoke
Member Avatar for yeeitsneo

hi. can anyone here tell me how can i allow certain characters only into a text box. for instance, a user can only input from these three letter (ABC) thank you so much.

Member Avatar for Cruize_Invades
Member Avatar for engineerchica

Hello! I am working on a problem to count characters (without using strings) and I got my program to work! However, I got it to work before I put the code that counts characters into a function (countChar), which is required for this assignment. I'm not sure I understand how …

Member Avatar for engineerchica
Member Avatar for wasiqjaved

Hi, Need some help with MIPS I need to write a MIPS code that reads 10 characters string and then only print out value of 3rd, 5th and 7th character (remembering that first character is character 0) OUTPUT (should be somewhat like this): Enter 10 character string : i love …

Member Avatar for DeanMSands3
Member Avatar for FALL3N

ok, I'm pretty embarrassed to be posting such a simple question, I feel like I've done this in much harder applications like a million times... [CODE]String[] wordVar = text.split("$");[/CODE] Why does the above code not split the String 'text' at each occurrence of a "$"? Is the "$" a special …

Member Avatar for FALL3N
Member Avatar for zerofreak

Hello guys, I've newly joined this forum since I want to enhance my knowledge in Programming specially in Visual Basic. So for the important part, right now I'm planning on creating a word detector somehow and there are specific rules I was to set in the textbox in relation with …

Member Avatar for zerofreak
Member Avatar for hamby

Hi guys, I'm writing a weasel program and needed a random character generator, I used a random number generator to give an ascii code for each character, and made a sequence of them, then I realized I needed to include the "space" symbol, but upon inclusion of the new code …

Member Avatar for hamby
Member Avatar for inuasha

How would I find the amount of characters in a string and then use that to print a certain amount of some character that you choose. For example: [CODE=Python] a = 'string' # this holds 6 characters print '*' * # amount of characters in string [/CODE]

Member Avatar for inuasha
Member Avatar for lethal.b

I am writing a program using J2ME and my goal is to count how many times each character appears in a string. I am not very good at java so the way i see i should do this is create 2 arrays. First array is used to hold characters. Second …

Member Avatar for lethal.b
Member Avatar for kiki256

So i want to have an application where the user types in a word in a text box and in another text box they put a letter for example "e" and in the third text box they put down what letter they want to replace it with example "f" So …

Member Avatar for kiki256
Member Avatar for emitremmit

I am having problems with my program to add and multiply two 4 bit binary numbers. The part in which I am currently having trouble is when I run the program the output for the addition function is not correct. Instead of displaying the correct answer it is just displaying …

Member Avatar for emitremmit
Member Avatar for northrox

[CODE=cpp]#include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> int main() { int number[5]; cout<< " enter the number \n"; for (int i=0;i<=5;i++) { while (i!=$) { cin >> number[i]; } } for (int i;i<='null';i++) { cout<< "number="<<number[i]; } getch(); return (0); }[/CODE] i have used a special character which tells the user to press$ …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for lmytilin

[CODE] #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <cctype> #include <iomanip> #define N 36 using namespace std; string EraseWhiteSpaces(string &str_nospaces) { int i; for (int i=0;i<str_nospaces.length();i++) { if (str_nospaces[i]==' '||(str_nospaces[i]=='\t')) { str_nospaces.erase(i,1); i--; } } return str_nospaces; } string ConvertToLowerCase(string &str_lowercase) { int i; for (i=0;i<str_lowercase.length();i++) str_lowercase[i]=tolower(str_lowercase[i]); return str_lowercase; } void SortedFrequences(int …

Member Avatar for mikrosfoititis
Member Avatar for calebcook

Does anyone know of a way to encrypt a string and output it as x number of characters? I need it to always return the same number of characters. I know MD5 always returns it as 32 characters. I'd like for it to return less that that, maybe 20 or …

Member Avatar for skraps
Member Avatar for cka91405

Im still learning C and I have a few questions about making a array of strings. Im doing an assignment for school, and I'm a little stuck with my program. Here is my code so far: [CODE] #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ FILE* fin; int a; …

Member Avatar for teo236
Member Avatar for Kyle Willett

I need help with a programing assignment for my CS 2 class, the task is to check rather a user inputted string is a palindrome meaning it is the same forwards as it is backwards. I have most of the program working, I input a string then copy it and …

Member Avatar for frogboy77
Member Avatar for beck4456

Hello, I'm working on a program that would print the prefixes of two user inputs if they matched. I'm thinking of this along the lines of if the value of the first character in a is = to the value of the first character in b, print the value. Next …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for VengefulToast

Hey forum, our professor assigned us a program we have to write in assembly language and I would love to have help on it. [QUOTE]Write an upper-to-lower case and lower-to-upper case conversion program. When the user inputs a letter, your program should convert it to upper case if it is …

Member Avatar for D33wakar
Member Avatar for caswimmer2011

Hey, Is there a way to get the keycode from a char? I tried using KeyEvent.getKeyCode() but the KeyEvent class didn't have a constructor so it was freaking out. I've been searching for 2+ hours already and nothing. My goal is to have a char, convert it to keycode, and …

Member Avatar for caswimmer2011
Member Avatar for kiranShankar

sir -- i wrote in the jsp for remving junk character from the application [code]<% request.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); response.setContentType("text/html;charset=UTF-8"); %>[/code] but still some page show the junk character what should i doo...

Member Avatar for Inny

Id like to limit the text chars shown in this script because too many chars are displayed causing overlap (see link) no idea what to do, please help? p.s I dont know js so if you could kindly be very specific, thanks. :) see it here (bottom of page 5 …

Member Avatar for stbuchok
Member Avatar for woopi

How do I deal with quotes here? What i want is /[^a-zA-Z0-9-_.,!()'\/"]/ but how do i deal the quotes? [CODE] $pattern = '/[^a-zA-Z0-9-_.,!()'"\/' . $whatever . ']/'; return preg_replace($pattern, '', $value); [/CODE] Cheers!

Member Avatar for woopi
Member Avatar for willywhomperz

[CODE] package code; public class CharacterCounter { /** * int numberOf(String s, char c) * * Returns the number of time the char c occurs in the String s * * @param s is the original String * @param c is the char whose count in s we want to …

Member Avatar for dimasalang
Member Avatar for PurpleHeaven

I need help with this program where the program has a textbox that will allow you to input the strings, and then it will output how many letters, numbers, and special characters can be found on the given input. The design goes like this: [url]http://i.imgur.com/nwfDl.png[/url]

Member Avatar for AnkitGuru
Member Avatar for abders

[CODE]print "creating a text file" text_file = open("write_it.txt", "a") score = 5 name = raw_input("What's your name?: ") score = (score, name) text_file.write(score) text_file.close()[/CODE] getting TypeError: expected a character buffer object Please help. Thanks

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The End.