2,736 Topics

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Member Avatar for MichaelWClark

I have a bit of a unique situation. I am loading a DropDownList (asp.net) from a SQL DB. Let me explain my scenario. [Products] [DB2.dbo.Orders] -Product_ID -Order_ID -Product_Name -Order_Product_Name -Product_Price -Order_Product_Price -Order_QTY [DROP DOWN] [PRICE_LABEL]* [OrderQTY] +ADD ProdName1 ProdName2 ProdName3 [PRICE_LABEL]: *(gets pulled by Select Product_Price where Product_Name=DropDown.Selected) After I …

Member Avatar for 1stDAN
Member Avatar for terraferma

When printing or exporting a SSRS report, is it possible to hide information? I don't want a hyperlink that is used for report navigation to be visible on a PDF. I would prefer that a user doesn't have to manually toggle visibility. Thanks.

Member Avatar for P00dle

I'm making some sort of mistake in the following code: [CODE]use xPress_CR select * from (SELECT * FROM dbo.T_JOBS WHERE ENDDATEANDTIME = null UNION SELECT * FROM dbo.T_JOBS WHERE STATUS = 'Failed')[/CODE] Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

Member Avatar for P00dle
Member Avatar for DAmanding

I'm attempting to write the formula for a computed column in SQL Server 2005 using SQL Server Management Studio 2008. I get the error validating formula and I'm not sure how to write the formula to work. If it were standard math the formula would be: (mmtot * 22) + …

Member Avatar for tesuji
Member Avatar for khiat

Hi all i have a problem in a task assigned to me in sql 2005 i have table contains column called ID which is an integer i would to retrieve top 10 rows order by ID in descending order and i want the result of this query to be in …

Member Avatar for tesuji
Member Avatar for readbanana

I have a column in my database that has a list of keywords. sometimes the keywords are a couple of words and sometimes just one. Each keyword (can be more than one word) is separated from a comma. for example - this is my column - hi, how are you, …

Member Avatar for tesuji
Member Avatar for Weppies

hi Im building an asp.net application which sends data to another webservice and then sends the data back. I get it to receive the data and save it into a sql database. But I cant get it to display in the gridview. I have been struggling with this for over …

Member Avatar for samaru
Member Avatar for durexlw

Imagine functions (as in coding): there is a function call, to each function there are parameters and whereas the names and the amount of parameters is specific to a function, the value of that parameters is specific to the function call. For example: Add (Number1,Number2) ADD = function Number1 & …

Member Avatar for durexlw
Member Avatar for teebag

Join a table to itself with no specfic ID I have a table of customer records which has no ID column, a customer may appear in the table more than once with various of the columns populated. I have managed to build a column INIT_SURNAME which is fully poplated but …

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for treFFnix

I want to fill a Table quick. I have tried something but its not working. Here is my MSSQL-Script: [code] CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fillTable] ( @Amount INT ) RETURNS @Integers TABLE ( [IntValue] INT ) AS BEGIN DECLARE @Counter INT SET @Counter = 0 WHILE @Counter < @Amount BEGIN INSERT INTO …

Member Avatar for Lusiphur
Member Avatar for MichaelWClark

I have 3 tables which hold PO's which have uniquie IDs I want to get the last ID in the list then add one to it (i can add one in my code if needed). My query thus far is [CODE] SELECT TOP 1 (SELECT 0 AS [PURCHASE_ORDER_ID] UNION SELECT …

Member Avatar for MichaelWClark
Member Avatar for johnny.g

hi all.. i have created a cube in bids..here i am stuck in a very bad way.i have a measure called as total and a dimension called as date..what i want is a measure which will calculate the difference of the total for the years..eg..for 2007 total is 5 and …

Member Avatar for homeryansta

I'm currently converting an application that utilize sqldmo which has a feature .script that can just magically retrieve a script for a particular index for me. Is there a query I can write or a already built in stored procedure I can use to do similar things? Any help would …

Member Avatar for durexlw

Look at this image: [URL="http://www.roflsaurus.com/users/durexlw_QuickUL/SQL_join5Tables.jpg"]http://www.roflsaurus.com/users/durexlw_QuickUL/SQL_join5Tables.jpg[/URL] I want to select everything of tblPersons where all taskorders are connected to that person and where tblSteps.done = 0 and where tblPersons.id = a certain ID... needless to say: my head hurts and I can't seem to figure this one out. Any help is …

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Member Avatar for Arpy Giri

hello i am working on this application where i need to import 60k+ user data and insert into different table. i have made a C# application which selects the database and inserts from a text file.like [CODE]insert into dbo.dbname ([user_name],[u_id]) values (a,b)[/CODE] but this apps hangs for 60K+ data so …

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Member Avatar for Odubz

Hi Im still quite new when using MS SQL but I have a pretty good understanding of it. -I am using Crystal Reports to retrieve and manipulate data from my database. -I am creating small tables for certain data. -This data is selected from a constantly updating table. So i …

Member Avatar for tesuji
Member Avatar for Jihad

I am developing a website,where I am using windows authentication for my connection. I want to change that to server authentication. I want to know what are the steps needed, at what should I watch out, and is there any problems that will appear in my project due to this …

Member Avatar for Rapish
Member Avatar for ttboy04

Hello, I don't have technical problem. I was just thinking the difference between arrays and SQL. I am currently learning OOP in java and C# but my employment history is based on SQL Server. So I was thinking about this subject in my head and I don't see why bother …

Member Avatar for samaru
Member Avatar for samuel_1991

Hi, I got a question to check if a date time is within another date range (So as to check conflicting schedule) There are various possible types of schedule: 1: One time start - end event. Typically such schedules is like a tour / outing / camp event, and hence …

Member Avatar for samuel_1991
Member Avatar for vedro

Hello How can I clone a database in MS SQL 2005 Express? I have the original database and I want to create a new database that has to be the same as the original one. regards, Vedro

Member Avatar for susyed
Member Avatar for Alba Ra

Hello, for a database project (music festivals) several search options are to be included. While some search fields will be filled from a dropdown list (like "countries"), other will have a fuzzy option (like "song titles"). For this I want to use the full-text search (you may remember the words …

Member Avatar for Alba Ra
Member Avatar for upstream

Hi, I'm currently designing the schema of my database for an application. and there's this table that has a default content or records. i'm torn between what type should i use for its key, because im always using autonumber, i was thinking that because i have a default content for …

Member Avatar for upstream
Member Avatar for Borkoff

Hi! I need some help please! I have to create a DB that has to be normalized to 3NF. I have a table 'Products' that contains info about all the products - product_ID, product_name, quanitity (left in warehouse), procurement_price, sales_price. And I have [B]TWO[/B] more tables that contain info about …

Member Avatar for tesuji
Member Avatar for _taz_

I am trying to insert data from one column in one database into a column in another db. the tables already have the column in place. they both have a unique identifier column (userid) I wrote a little insert statement, but when I try it I get the following error …

Member Avatar for _taz_
Member Avatar for visweswaran28

hi, let consider, A table has following fields, name amount date I know to get sum of amount based for particular date condition be.. select sum(amount) as val from table_name where date='06-16-2010' Same as I want to get list of name for a particular date. How can I achieve this..

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for thebluestar

I want to store a map that is drawn using Map info software, then store it into the database, but I have not known about spatial data in sql server I tried creating a table using geometry data type like: [CODE] use master go CREATE TABLE Districts ( DistrictId int …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for homeryansta

hello all! Anyone know how to count all the constraints in a given table? I'm new to stored procedure and need it to finish some work.

Member Avatar for homeryansta
Member Avatar for remshadm

please tell me how i make a sql query for selecting data's from a table where that data repeated 4 times in that column

Member Avatar for rohinireddy
Member Avatar for mrugeshm

Hi all, i want to transfer data one sql database to another database in same sql server. i try to insert into table2 select * from table1 , but this query useful for same database, but i want to use different database, in same sql server. help me here to …

Member Avatar for xuqi
Member Avatar for Uzumaki52

Hello, I have a table which has mail body...i.e. it has html code in the column ..i need to make changes to one of the rows in the mail body column. I have made the changes and when i am trying to copy and paste the column. I am getting …


The End.