MySpace... not for everyone Hardware and Software macOS by John A …]. One might argue that you could compare a site like MySpace to DaniWeb. But I would argue the following: 1, …more dangerous than any real-life situation. No effort of MySpace to exterminate these people will be able to change this…a website, watching videos, and almost all the things that MySpace offers, but I prefer to do so on dedicated websites… Myspace goes 2.0 Hardware and Software Networking by tiger86 …no longer lets you block your page from everyone on MySpace; instead they have made it so you can customize …Web Design languages. Being W3C Compliant is very important; now MySpace layouts 2.0 are w3c compliant making people who make…. My source is from the [URL="… MySpace Dev Policy Tweak, New Messaging API Leak Community Center by EddieC …be available in June. The [URL=…URL] were outlined in a blog post by the MySpace Developer Team. In essence, they’re looking to…what’s new in the [URL=]Developer Guidelines[/URL]: [INDENT][I]•… MySpace is your worst parental nightmare Digital Media UI / UX Design by happygeek …Federal Judge says that [URL=""]MySpace [/URL]is legally protected from any liability as… have been committed by people misrepresenting themselves to other MySpace users. Judge Sam Sparks of the U.S.…;rpc=66&type=qcna"]Reuters[/URL], MySpace has developed a database technology in conjunction with background… MySpace Does More For YourApp Hardware and Software by EddieC … to the fledgling [URL=""] MySpace Developer Platform [/URL] released last week lets…app builders add messaging and posting capabilities to their MySpace apps. Implemented in a “Post To” function,…“most recent” on [URL="… MySpace DIV Help Needed!! Digital Media UI / UX Design by rikkwolf …quot;> <a href="… allowFullScreen="true" src=",t=1…quot; value="… Re: MySpace is your worst parental nightmare Digital Media UI / UX Design by markdean … and their daughter but she was able to create a myspace account and was apparently doing a lot that they did… MySpace privacy not as non-existant as we thought Digital Media Digital Marketing by John A … It says that "66 percent [of teens on MySpace] say that their information is not visible to all Internet…molested or some other stuff that can be linked to MySpace. However, I think there's a conversely negative effect…they are, are added to "friends" profile on MySpace. Only sharing personal information to these "friends" … MySpace the target for another "Month of Bugs" Digital Media Digital Marketing by John A …=17&intsrc=kc_top"]According to ComputerWorld[/URL], MySpace seems like the next target for the now-famous &…is any indication of people's views of security on MySpace. And although the hackers seem like they are trying…QuickTime". Well, there are definitely security holes in MySpace, but how much different are most of these bugs than… Re: MySpace DIV Help Needed!! Digital Media UI / UX Design by rikkwolf The page loads in under a minute on virtually every machine we've tested it on. We're not real concerned with the dial-up crowd. Any big band's MySpace is just as graphics heavy. Your advice on bandwidth is cute and all, but could you point out to me how exactly that relates to the DIV problem? How many sexual predators are there on MySpace? Digital Media Digital Marketing by newsguy … during the course of the last couple of years alone, MySpace has managed to identify and consequently banish no less than… plenty to be pleased about, not least the fact that MySpace is obviously taking the problem of [URL="http://www… is the small matter of common sense that says if MySpace has caught nearly 100,000 of these sick perverts then… Myspace Bulletin & Forum Signature Tracking Programming Web Development by koolheaven … a programmer we have decided to recode and release the Myspace Bulletin Impression & Forum Signature Tracker Code. What is it…? Some people sell bulletins as methods of advertising on Myspace. This Tracker/Viewer, is a code you implement into your… MySpace Related : Trying to mount BG image on DIV, won't work, tried a few dif things Programming Web Development by chaosapostle … to write a div code so I could modify my myspace profile, because it is a good hands on enviroment for… was to find a way to hide everything on a myspace profile for the exception of everything above the top nav… MySpace - Who uses it? Community Center Say Hello! by fobthug Well? :D Post them here The MySpace forum can be found here: <url snipped> Also, I'm new so I guess I'm going to say hi to all :D Re: MySpace - Who uses it? Community Center Say Hello! by mastermind_SEO [QUOTE=fobthug]Well? :D Post them here The MySpace forum can be found here: SNIP Also, I'm new so I guess I'm going to say hi to all :D[/QUOTE] Hello fobthug, Good to see you here. And also best of look with your forum. :) Myspace IM virus thing Hardware and Software Information Security by sethalex hi! my sister downloaded the myspace (virus i think?) onto our computer. the one that affects … Myspace submit button hyperlinks _blank Programming Web Development by MDGM Hi all, Im doing my myspace profile and im using submit buttons in a form and … Re: Myspace submit button hyperlinks _blank Programming Web Development by xoron … inless somthing is going to call this (unlikely/wasteful on MySpace) you should remove this. but the main problem is the… Myspace Settles On Spam Community Center Geeks' Lounge by christina>you Read about it [URL=""]here[/URL]. Re: Myspace Settles On Spam Community Center Geeks' Lounge by w_3rabi well i dont care about myspace or .................... bla bla bla but if the pic above is yours then ... damn thats very interesting article .......... Re: Myspace Settles On Spam Community Center Geeks' Lounge by bumsfeld Good for MySpace! I hate spammers! Re: Myspace Settles On Spam Community Center Geeks' Lounge by christina>you [quote=w_3rabi;389772]well i dont care about myspace or .................... bla bla bla but if the pic above is yours then ... damn thats very interesting article ..........[/quote] Lol Re: MySpace - Who uses it? Community Center Say Hello! by neds75 Good luck with your myspace forum! Re: Myspace submit button hyperlinks _blank Programming Web Development by Pharoah …&cc=en-US&… Re: Does MySpace News have a target audience? Hardware and Software macOS by jbennet Myspace news will end up like digg methinks Re: I want to compete with (Can someone teach me how) Programming Web Development by Designer_101 Myspace and other such social networking communities are huge. Think about … for someone to teach you how to program something like myspace, and very silly to say you could market it better… start small. Baby steps. Try not to focus on beating myspace, try to focus on giving the users of your site… Re: I want to compete with (Can someone teach me how) Programming Web Development by rixius Myspace is an anomaly.. a glitch in the matrix... @_@ Re: My myspace graphic comments and links not appearing as backlinks Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by thefandango … - click on a link on myspace and you get the page saying you are now leaving myspace right? That is a redirect… and means links out of myspace etc are not picked up as backlinks. So its good … Re: IS Myspace going in the way out? Digital Media Digital Marketing by InsightsDigital Myspace feels like a club with the sleaze factor included. Re: Facebook or MySpace? Digital Media Digital Marketing by >shadow< Myspace, all the way Facebook annoys me anyway, I only use myspace for my music and it is a great help