10,932 Topics

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Member Avatar for vishnukumar

Hi, I am vishnu kumar. I knew the basics of Java but this is the first time i am building a project based on java (Java Swing actually). This is my final semester project and for last two months, i am doing my project. I initially thought the database(along with …

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Member Avatar for marifard

I have four database tables locality table: localityid, locality. jobtype table: typeid, type. applywork table: id, userid, applyfor applicationsent, jobtypeid, vacancyseenon companyname, doorno buildingname, street, localityid, postcode, telephone, website, email, notes users: id, role, name, surname, gender, username, password. I have a page to edit selected field from applywork. I …

Member Avatar for marifard
Member Avatar for DarkMonarch

how do you guys start a DB? create a DB put it on the server and then connect and add stuff or create DB with server script and then add stuff ? BTW, i`m using php for manipulating the DB. It`s an employee online app. i was going to create …

Member Avatar for DarkMonarch
Member Avatar for aianne

Hello. :) So I am creating a grading system where users can compute student's grades on selected ID Number. The problem is after clicking the COMPUTE button, an "Error!" message display. So far I can save the grades in database but I can't compute it. I'm sorry I'm new to …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for declancarey

I have a live update system for a football team, which I input the following: Date, Score, Event (Goal, Red card, Yellow Card, none), Details So 4 columns. At the top of the page, I want to display the latest score, so bascially I want to grab whatever the current …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for jacob21

I want a Jquery Popup Form which will appear on Page Load but only one time (for newsletter purpose). After filling form.. I want to store values into a table.

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Panathinaikos22

Hello guys, well... I want to create an HTML-JScript that will store some values in DB (Like Visitors IP) Because blogspot.com dont give DB, we just can have a html/js gadget, i sayd to use a DB wich is hosted in other server, is that possible? 1) will be 1 …

Member Avatar for aquilax
Member Avatar for jacob21

I want a Jquery Popup Form which will appear on Page Load but only one time (for newsletter purpose). After filling form.. I want to store values into a table.

Member Avatar for fire eaters

I have developed a web application and it works very well in the localhost. but when i put it to the web server the relationships in the table doesn't work. for example when a parent row is deleted all the child rows associated with it should be deleted. but it …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for apanimesh061

I have a table ... Ratings (userid, movieid, ratings, time) where ... select count(*) from ratings where userid = X; (No of ratings of a particular user) Here, X ranges from 1-6040! How should I get the count of each user and then store it in another table 'Users' in …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for Blacklister

i want to display data from mysql database in table form on the web page . Ex. - If there are 100 entries in the database then only 10 entries can be displayed i should be able to use 'next' and ' previous' buttons to display consecutive data tables containing …

Member Avatar for tulalit
Member Avatar for magicmarkuk

Hi I have imported a number (500+) posts into Wordpress from another CMS (Expression Engine). On a number of posts I have a problem with the way paragraphs are being displayed and I can trace this back to the post data that has been copied across. For example, when the …

Member Avatar for magicmarkuk
Member Avatar for softDeveloper

Hi all, I have a table 'table 1' which has a primary key. Now I want to create two other tables with a composite key in each one, composed by primary key and a foreign key both referencing table 1 's primary key. However I can only do it with …

Member Avatar for softDeveloper
Member Avatar for Kirielson

I have a table which has a foreign key that links to a primary key in another table. That id has information on it in which I want it to show while having a sum on the information. Is there a way to do it? To clarify here's a code …

Member Avatar for Kirielson
Member Avatar for shujat132

I thinking about a project to build up a web based application. I am not able to understand what should be structure of the database. [B][COLOR="Red"]Problem:-[/COLOR][/B] Data is in bulk which is of a big general store, and they have 50,000 transaction minimum each day. They store all data and …

Member Avatar for shujat132
Member Avatar for aianne

Hi everyone! I am sorry I'm new to PHP and MySQL. So, I am creating a form for user to update their details and compute student's grade but the updating part doesn't work. Here is code: [B]COMPUTE.PHP[/B] [CODE]<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> <html> <head> <title>Compute Grade</title> </head> <body> …

Member Avatar for aianne
Member Avatar for momonq1990

error msg: Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Access denied for user 'mon'@'localhost' (using password: YES) in C:\xampp\htdocs\project\include\connection.php on line 7 Could not Connect ///my connection.php code <?php define("contype","localhost"); define("user","mon"); define("passwd","affinity"); define("db","project"); $con=mysql_connect(contype,user,passwd) or die('Could not Connect'); $dbcon=mysql_select_db(db); ?> //here's my scenario. i add new USER to my mysql in phpmyadmin and its …

Member Avatar for momonq1990
Member Avatar for ychan623

Hi all, I'm working on a webpage with 2 dropdown menu and a submit button. both the dropdown menu has a default value="" selected. I am trying to figure out a way to filter mysql query. Here is the drop down menu <form action="showJobs.php" method="post"> <select name="Locations"> <option value="" selected="selected">All …

Member Avatar for LethargicCoder
Member Avatar for alexgv14

I am trying to create a form that exports my mysql database , and can also reimport the mysql database using like a form. I am trying to do this in PHP any ideas on how it can be done or if it''s already been done? I know there is …

Member Avatar for vincentwansink
Member Avatar for seemeamal

Dear all, The first query works while the second doesnt, am not able to figure, can u please help me out. 1) // $query3="insert into ttrough(am,pm) select ttam.subject,ttpm.subjectpm from ttam,ttpm where ttam.class != ttpm.classpm limit 1";// this one actually takes two columns from different tables and checks whether they are …

Member Avatar for seemeamal
Member Avatar for aianne

So I'm trying to create a PHP and MySQL program where users can add, update, delete, view and search records. But the problem is I can't update records whenever I click update button. Here's my code --> [CODE] <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> <html> <head> <title>Update Record</title> </head> …

Member Avatar for rajeevphp2011
Member Avatar for patrick1981

I have three table that are linked like this. Each content is linked to a category and each category is linked to a section. Like this sections_table -section_id -section_name categories_table -category_id -section_id -category_name contents_table -content_id -category_id -content_title -content_description I want to write a query to display only content from a …

Member Avatar for rajeevphp2011
Member Avatar for aianne

Hi everyone! So, I'm trying to create a program which users can add, update, delete, view, and search records but I am having a hard time about updating records in my database. In my Update form, I've got 1 dropdown menu or option that contains ID number and when I …

Member Avatar for aianne
Member Avatar for mgd00tz

I'm using int type in my database, what I should put in order to catch the input data by users? mysql_real_escape_string is not working because I think he can cater only the string values. here is my codes. [CODE]<?php /* NEW.PHP Allows user to create a new entry in the …

Member Avatar for cyverge
Member Avatar for doctorphp

Hey everyone, I am trying to develop an addon for my admin area to send a text to my clients. I am trying to populate a select menu that will list clients that have added their mobile phones. I am using the following tables. [LIST] [*]tblclients [*]tblcustomfields [*]tblcustomfieldsvalues [/LIST] At …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for choboja621
Member Avatar for choboja621
Member Avatar for laura301019

Hi can anyone tell me how I add a row to a database table (gamescores) that will record a userID and the number of points they have gained. I also have to update two session variables and use them to update values that appear on the screen by adding code …

Member Avatar for Biiim
Member Avatar for jbennet

How to get last auto number? I've got 2 tables I.e. booking and booking membership One person is the leader of a booking, but many people can be members of that Still, when I inse the booking I want to also do an insert into the bookingmembership table. The booking …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for Jack_1978

Hi guys! I have company website created using PHP and mysql database. I am not a programmer but know few things about ftp transfer etc. We happen to change our web server and for that had to transfer the file to new location. All the files are intact and even …

Member Avatar for Jack_1978
Member Avatar for sammry

When People are trying to insert an sql inection, that time mysql errors displays the table name with the column names, how can I turn off this, My site is built in MVC framework, and this is how developers have queried the database, [CODE] $offset=0; if(isset( $_GET['offset'])) $offset=$_GET['offset']; $array_list=$DB->q("select *,users.user_list_id …

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The End.