157 Topics

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Member Avatar for miraj0072004

hey guys, I have a table "items" from which I need to select items using two drop down lists ,the 1 st drop down list works, the second one doesn't fetch the parameter passed, when used item_id=? <sql:param value="${param.item_Id}"/> ?? ,but when I give a value it works..... I'm using …

Member Avatar for nsr

hi all. I have created a java web project to make a servlet in NetBeans6.7.1, using Tomcat 6.0.16 App Server. The Web Service reference doesnt not show the operations and gives the following error. The web service works fine though. A solution is to add xerces file to the runtime …

Member Avatar for majestic0110

Hi all, I hope you are well. I am trying to compile a java file using terminal in Ubuntu, but I am getting the following error message: [QUOTE]1. ERROR in StringComparisons.java (at line 20) System.out.printf("String a = %s String b = %s \n", a,b); [/QUOTE] As you can see, I …

Member Avatar for quuba
Member Avatar for llemes4011

Hello, I'm using NetBeans 6.7.1, and Derby I'm trying to learn how to write Database applications, and I'm having trouble connecting to my Database. It loads the Derby Driver (EmbeddedDriver), but won't connect to the the Database named test. I looked at tests Properties in NetBeans, and it said …

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Member Avatar for axelle.eichner

Hey, I'm a student wanting help on how to write a program in netbeans.. I have no idea how to work this website so this question may be in the wrong place but.. here goes: so i need to write a program that outputs a quote one letter at a …

Member Avatar for javed123
Member Avatar for xilamei
Member Avatar for xilamei

hi... i do really need your help guys... its about mobile application in netbeans IDE 6.7.1 im a total newbie here... so, im asking for your help... so here it goes, i am planning to create a mobile application with the use of netbeans IDE 6.7.1, and the outcome would …

Member Avatar for Salem

The End.