51 Unanswered Topics

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Member Avatar for iDeepak

[Click Here](http://i.imgur.com/ka0Pnnr.jpg) I have a app having multiple Xib files calling in one main Xib and its class. I have added expand and collapse view which works on particular xib expand and collapse subviews as required and reduces/Expands Height too. This works well for one xib section when all tab …

Member Avatar for ravi_14

#import "Person.h" @class Asset; //i have used import "Asset.h" which contains definition for asset @interface Employee : Person { int employeeID; NSMutableArray *assets; } @property int employeeID; - (void)addAssetsObject:(Asset *)a; - (unsigned int)valueOfAssets; @end I got this snippet from objective c book. In the second line , author has used …

Member Avatar for sk8ergirl

this is my background http://s13.postimg.org/6zejiqc87/1429994667798.png in current code user can move sprite to any location, but I want the user to only move sprite to specific location. I have one Sprite (s1) I want to move it to specific position as you can see my background have line and dots …

Member Avatar for Moeez_1

Recently I am facing too much issues in making the apple accept my app because of inapp purchases download failures. Is it possible that I submit a version which will fetch the inapp purchases ID's from my own server and than fetch the inapp purchases details from the apple. I …

Member Avatar for pinkPanda

I'm trying to create simple game on xcode (swift) what I'm trying to do is moving player pieces from their positions how can I implement moving pieces from [number]positions to [number]positions for example from positions 1 to either 2 or 0 otherwise it get back to the previous positions more …

Member Avatar for TyeL89

I am creating a contact program with python and wxpython. While creating the browsing function for my program I ran into a problem. I've been searching for hours trying to find a way to fix it. Unfortunately I haven't had any luck on fixing the error/problem. Here is the code …

Member Avatar for silent lover

dear daniweb friends, i really need help. i want to parse a json from a file inside folder. that folder inside xcodeproj (not from URL). i use this code: dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{ /*NSData* kivaData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL: [NSURL URLWithString:@"http://json.comli.com/reportTextEn.json"] ];*/ NSString *filePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"reportTextEn" ofType:@"json"]; NSError *error = …

Member Avatar for sing1006

im new in objective c.i have come out with the getter and setter but not sure is correct or not. .h #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> @interface ViewController : UIViewController @property(nonatomic, retain) NSString *myText; @property(nonatomic, copy) NSNumber *opacity; @property(nonatomic, assign) id delegate; @end .m #import "ViewController.h" @interface ViewController () @end @implementation ViewController @synthesize …

Member Avatar for coding101

I Have an NSButton and Im trying to get it to display the barber stripes sideways when the button is pressed. I can't redraw the NSRect, and was wondering if you had any clues on implementation?

Member Avatar for surferbloggy

Hi i need help to solve this issue: refresh the first controller, UITableview and navigation bar for changing bg colors the color are set and it works i need only to refresh the app for update the app with the new colors i change the colors of my app clicking …

Member Avatar for surferbloggy

Hi i've done an app and tested even on iphone 4s/5/ 6 in xcode 6 and it works on simulator if i test on a iphone 4s device ios 7.1 and 8 the scrolling doesnt't work on any pages and there is a static page that seems covered and i …

Member Avatar for silent lover

how to auto logout an apps when user did not touch the screen for at least 2 minutes? i add this to AppDelegate.m : - (void)sendEvent:(UIEvent *)event { [super sendEvent:event]; // Only want to reset the timer on a Began touch or an Ended touch, to reduce the number of …

Member Avatar for surferbloggy

Hi, i want to change the colors of my app clicking a button so when i click this button there's this code -(void)changestyle{ change=true; [self init]; } it refresh the first controller and change the toolbar background color and the bg color of the buttons but i know it's incorrect, …

Member Avatar for pars99

I keep running this code and it works until I press the button, `findShapeCalc()`, and then I get EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION in the main.swift at the line `NSApplicationMain(C_ARGC, C_ARGV)`. Why does this keep happening? Code in question: import Cocoa class ViewController: NSViewController { @IBOutlet var dropDown : NSPopUpButton @IBOutlet var length : …

Member Avatar for surferbloggy

Hi, i have a UITableview filled by an xml it works, but if i load the cell from xib file and set the height of the cell to 196 the rows don't fit the view and from the third cell they are invisible becouse there isn't scrolling how could i …

Member Avatar for surferbloggy

Hi in my app there is an image thumbnail for each table cell it works but when the image there isn't for that row i'd like to show a default image the image url is retrieved from an html string and put into an array could you help me to …

Member Avatar for surferbloggy

Hi if i would make an app for manipulating images , something similar to a little photoshop for ios, are there any frameworks to use that could help me? what i have to study? or is it to write km of code from the ground up? thank you

Member Avatar for ckassar

i am working on a view controller that contains two picker views (`FromCur` ,`ToCur`). those picker views are filled by an xml parser . althoughthe `NSLog` in the Title for row function is not giving me a null answer , the picker views displays a question mark. i have been …

Member Avatar for Mallika_P

Hi., I have more than 10 products (Non-consuable with hosted content) in my ios app. I want to add an option purchase all items. Is there any possible ways to purchase all products in a single buy option (including downloads). Thanks

Member Avatar for Tinnin

Hi All, I have this code in my tableView; - (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { YFRFormViewController *formViewController = [[YFRFormViewController alloc] init]; NSArray *campaigns = [[YFRCampaigns currentCampaigns] allCampaigns]; YFRCampaignForm *selectedCampaign = campaigns[indexPath.row]; // Give formViewController a pointer to the item object in row formViewController.campaignForm = selectedCampaign; // Push it onto the …

Member Avatar for iamsocool987

My project is on base SDK 10.6 built in Xcode 3 - it’s important that it is a universal binary that also works with PPC. In 10.9 my application has really jerky scrolling compared to Safari - if I add [self setWantsLayer:YES]; the scrolling is super fast like Safari, great! …

Member Avatar for Mallika_P

Hi., I'm using cordova2.9.0 in my ios app, from CDVReachability.m file, i tried to check internet status with url for my ipad simulator as well device. But it shows status wrongly [My network is connected through sonic firewall login]. Any help? CDVReachability *isReachable = [CDVReachability reachabilityWithAddress:@"http://www.google.com/"]; // CDVReachability *isReachable = …

Member Avatar for Nisa123

I want to Retrieve data from Webservice into objective c and bind it to NSTableview. can you please help me out with a complete steps of code.

Member Avatar for anisha.silva

Hi, I have a table view controll whihc has 3 views. in one view I have a button. When the button is pressed another differnt view is loaded. This works fine, but when I go back and try to click the one of the main view the view from the …

Member Avatar for shrikanthnk

Kindly help me to resolve this issue. I'm using Xcode 5.0 and options (such as check/uncheck storyboard )are not getting displayed whenever I launch new project with single view application. p.s: I used to get above mentioned option till yesterday.

Member Avatar for Anima Templi

Hello, I'm really interested in developing apps for iOS. I do already have everything setup and I'm ready to start programming. What I'm curious about is; Is it worth buying the apple developer account already? I don't have anything ready to release yet, but I have read that they also …

Member Avatar for shredder2794

Hello all, I have a MKMapView that is having a very strange problem which is kind of hard to explain. I have an MKOverlay that is saved between sessions by saving the points of the overlay to a file and loading the overlay in viewDidLoad. So here's the problem: Steps …

Member Avatar for Fluggey

Hi I'm in need of some help here please. What i need the app to do. I'm trying to create an iPhone app. What i'm trying to do is get the iPhone camera to scan 2 letters and 6 numbers (e.g. JH847593) then send that id number off to a …

Member Avatar for guest7772

hey there, I´m working on xCode, and theres a problem i don´t know how to solve it. in my main.m funktion is a error: thread 1: signal SIGABRT int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { @autoreleasepool { return UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, NSStringFromClass([AppDelegate class])); <---- thread 1: signal SIGABRT } } could …

Member Avatar for romi.hofmann.7

I have a NSView subclass TimeCircle which is the controller of my custom view. In TimeCircle there are several drawings taking place depending on the state of button butStart which is toogle type. The button is connected correctly to TimeCircle. I have the problem that I can´t get **[butStart state]** …


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