1,826 Topics

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Member Avatar for m610

I've got a project where I need to draw a a series of bitmaps then save each as a frame in an AVI video, but the drawing process takes too long to reliably do this at the frame rates I want the video to have (25-30 fps). I've seen and …

Member Avatar for anandkrishnantc

I want to display a multiline text with certain font size. How to determine the font size in windows? How to convert it into point size? I want to print next line very close to the first line ., means the gap should be minimum. I have x, y co …

Member Avatar for m610
Member Avatar for turbomen

A given year is a leap year if it is divisible by 4. However there are a few exceptions to this rule, if any of these years are divisible by 100 they are not leap years unless they are also divisible by 400 - so 1990 is not a leap …

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for turbomen

I have got a question which come together with my answer but I found that it does not too match with the question. Can you help me to make it changes? Question: A letter of the alphabet is to be input from the keyboard, and a message output as to …

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for Frizeris

Can anyone provide me with an example how to create a program using Delphi that randomizes and shows 2 words out of 78 with a click of a button? The words are: [CODE] Afghanistan Albania Argentina Australia Ausria Blegium Bhutan Bolivia Brazil Bulgaria Canada Chile Colombia Communist_China Costa_Rica Cuba Czechoslovakia …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for satrix36

Hi everyone, I'm making yet another program, and i am needing a login screen. The first form has 2 edit boxes and 2 buttons. The cancel button closes the program, the login button checks the username password if there correct or not. I have written the code for the login …

Member Avatar for malditcha87
Member Avatar for m610

I'm having a little trouble shutting down a thread that might or might not be executing when the program closes. The thread, actually there are two of them, is started in an OnTimer event, and in OnDestroy I stop the timers then I want to close the threads. The thread …

Member Avatar for m610
Member Avatar for anandkrishnantc

Hello, I am new to delphi. I have a problem. I have a string which can be of any length. Sometimes with delimiter characters for printing in new line. Now I need to distinguish whether the received string is a number (both -ve and +ve) or any other alpha numeric …

Member Avatar for anandkrishnantc
Member Avatar for delphi89

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi people. I have a little problem. How can I use bluetooth libs with Delphi 7 or where I can download them (if they exist)? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please help me.... :cheesy:

Member Avatar for bluedevices
Member Avatar for turbomen

Please help me again. I have 2 questions in this time. Question 1. Write a program that asks for a start and stop letter and then produces the following: Question one: This time create an array of 7 numbers. Fill each slot with a randomly generated number between 1 and …

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for killhha

im making a program and when you select exit in the menu i want it to be like: Are you sure you want to exit? Yes No Enter Esc so when you press enter it will exit and when u press esc it will go back to the menu. everything …

Member Avatar for killhha
Member Avatar for m610

I've got a lot of text to display in an app I am working on. I know that this eats of resources so I'd like to put them somewhere else, like maybe a file that I stuff into the resource file, if that is possible. Also, I'm thinking to the …

Member Avatar for jsosnowski
Member Avatar for yssirhc

I've stored an array in an html hidden input and now need to transfer that array to my delphi function. I've tried: [code=delphi] var fileArray : array of string; fileArray := formvar('fileArray', ''); [/code] but this gives an incompatible types error when I compile. How can I convert the string …

Member Avatar for yssirhc
Member Avatar for killhha

i am trying to use an if statement which will say some thing if points is greater than or equal to 15 AND less than 20. like this: [code] if points >= 15 and < 20 then writeln('Nice!'); [/code] but this code doesnt work. how would i do it?

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for turbomen

To create a game of Heads or Tails against the computer. Write a program that asks the user for Heads or Tails, then simulates a toss of a coin and then tells the user whether they have guessed correctly. DISPLAY a title for the program Issue the statement that stops …

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for Nanor

I'm learning Pascal in school. I've come across a run time error that's been eluding me these past few days. The error message I get is: [QUOTE]ERROR: line 86, access made to undefined variable[/QUOTE] I've been searching t'internet for a while trying to find out some help, alas Pascal as …

Member Avatar for Nanor
Member Avatar for killhha

is it possible to end actions that are happening? example: [code=pascal] repeat writeln('example'); until c=1; {the c is an example. im asking if it would be possible to change c to something like 'until readkey'} [/code] readkey doesnt work. i hope you can understand what im tring to ask here. …

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for killhha

the program im trying to make will select a random movie from a list of movies and tell the user which 1 he should watch. first the program will ask how many movies there are. it will then ask for the titles of each movie and then it will output …

Member Avatar for killhha
Member Avatar for SaitrixMarsden

Below is a procedure that gathers all the contacts email address and puts them into a new email window of Outlook. The procedure works fin but the companies Outlook is set so that the user is only allowed to enter 99 email address per email window. I am struggling to …

Member Avatar for mfran2002

hi, I work with Delphi 5 and I need to modify a .COM file but I don't know how... may you please help me? thanks!

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for BradenMurphy

Hi, Does anyone know of some source code or methods that can be used to monitor the CPU utilization in Delphi?

Member Avatar for BradenMurphy
Member Avatar for mfran2002

hi, I need to wirite code in delhi5 using the API of a software but I don't know wher I have to begin... ;)

Member Avatar for LizR
Member Avatar for mo_Shaf786

hi, ive got a text file which has multiple lines, how can i display all the lines? [CODE] BEGIN assignfile(filea, user); reset(filea); while not eof(filea) do BEGIN readln(filea,textstring); writeln(textstring); end; closefile(filea); readln; END[/CODE] Thanks

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for claudiu_is

Hi, Does anybody know how can I return the time format from the system regional settings ? I need something like "hh mm ss" returned ( or whatever the current system time format is) to pass it as argument for FormatDateTime() function along with a given time; I`m using Delphi …

Member Avatar for claudiu_is
Member Avatar for thrasas

Hello everyone! i found some days ago a really nice algorithmic problem, and i am trying to solve it (implement it in pascal in the end). I know it is a shortest path problem, (it is obvious) but i still can't seem to find any proper approach to it! Any …

Member Avatar for jsosnowski
Member Avatar for jsosnowski

I just ran across some code that declares a complex packed record: aSInt = Integer; [ICODE]entity = packed Record Enttype : byte; field2 : double; ... //continues with other standard fields and then uses this case CASE aSInt OF entlin: (linpt1, linpt2: point); entln3: (ln3pt1, ln3pt2: point); entmrk: (mrkpnt, mrkvec: …

Member Avatar for la65cop

Alright, I'm trying to write a program that finds the highest, lowest, and average number of a set of undetermined data. The program also needs to shut off when a negative number is entered. This is what I have so far, the only thing working is the highest number and …

Member Avatar for jsosnowski
Member Avatar for BradenMurphy

Just a short question.. Does declaring your program as "unsafe" mean your program's memory is no longer managed?

Member Avatar for picichinica

Hello, I have a question (might be pretty easy, but please help!!): on my application's main form I have two buttons: open that opens Form1 and another one that opens Form2. Now, from Form1 I need to open Form2, and from Form2 I need to open back Form1, and go …

Member Avatar for pennyani
Member Avatar for kvdd

I have a Client and a server application, very simple code and it is working. But with the client, I can send one time a message, do I want another, it does not appear at the server. No response, nothing. Here is my code: Client: [CODE=pascal] procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin …

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The End.